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dc.contributor.authorБашинська, Ірина Олександрівна-
dc.contributor.authorБажак, Олександр Володимирович-
dc.contributor.authorBashynska, Iryna-
dc.contributor.authorБашинская, Ирина Александровна-
dc.contributor.authorBazhak, Oleksandr-
dc.contributor.authorБажак, Александр Владимирович-
dc.identifier.citationBashynska, I., Bazhak, O. (2019). Toolkit for human capital management in the system of safety-oriented strategic management of industrial enterprise development. Priority directions of science development, Abstracts of the 3rd International scientific and practical conference, Ukraine, Lviv, 28-29 december 2019, p. 671-674.en
dc.identifier.citationBashynska, I. Toolkit for human capital management in the system of safety-oriented strategic management of industrial enterprise development / I. Bashynska, O. Bazhak // Priority directions of science development : abstracts of the 3rd International scientific and practical conference, Ukraine, Lviv, 28-29 december 2019. - Lviv, 2019. - P. 671-674.en
dc.titleToolkit for human capital management in the system of safety-oriented strategic management of industrial enterprise developmenten
dc.typeConference proceedingsen
opu.kafedraКафедра обліку, аналізу і аудитуuk
opu.citation.conferencePriority directions of science developmenten
opu.conference.dates28-29 грудня 2019en
Располагается в коллекциях:Матеріали конференцій, семінарів каф. ОАіА

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