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dc.contributor.authorЖеглова, Вікторія Михайлівна-
dc.contributor.authorХомяк, Юрій Мефодійович-
dc.contributor.authorЖеглова, Виктория Михайловна-
dc.contributor.authorХомяк, Юрий Мефодиевич-
dc.contributor.authorKhomiak, Yurii-
dc.contributor.authorZheglovа, Viktoriia-
dc.identifier.citationKhomyak, Yu., Kibakov, O., Medvedev, S., Nikolenko, I., Zheglova, V. (2020). Endurance limit of the axial-piston hydraulic machine cylinder block. Diagnostyka, 21, 1, 71-79.en
dc.identifier.citationEndurance limit of the axial-piston hydraulic machine cylinder block / Yu. Khomyak, O. Kibakov, S. Medvedev, I. Nikolenko, V. Zheglova // Diagnostyka. - 2020. - Vol. 21, N 1. - P. 71-79.en
dc.description.abstractThe fatigue resistance of the cylinder block (CB) of an axial-piston hydraulic machine (APHM) made of tin bronze CuSn12 has been investigated. Fatigue tests of smooth and notched standard samples were performed and fatigue curves were constructed. The stress state of the CB is investigated by the finite element method. It is established that the maximum stresses are localized on a small part of the partition between axial cylinders holes loaded by internal pressure. A method for recalculating the established length of this zone of partition with an uneven distribution of dangerous stresses by an equivalent length with a constant stress equal to the maximum is proposed. The use of the statistical theory of the similarity of the fatigue failure of Serensen-Kogayev, the results of the fatigue tests of the samples and the calculation of the equivalent length made it possible to determine the endurance limit of the CB considered. The acceptability of the proposed method estimating the endurance limit by the known results of resource tests of the CB APHM 210.25 is confirmed.en
dc.subjectfinite element methoden
dc.subjectcomplex stress state fatigue fracture similarity criterion fatigue curves of tin bronze CuSn12en
dc.titleEndurance limit of the axial-piston hydraulic machine cylinder blocken
dc.title.alternativeРасчет ресурса блока цилиндров аксиально-поршневой гидромашины по критерию сопротивления усталостиen
dc.typeArticle in Scopusen
opu.kafedraКафедра Металорізальних верстатів, метрології та сертифікаціїuk
Располагается в коллекциях:Статті каф. МВМС

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