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dc.contributor.authorБерезовський, Станіслав Олександрович-
dc.contributor.authorКоляда-Березовська, Тетяна Федорівна-
dc.contributor.authorБерезовский, Станислав Александрович-
dc.contributor.authorКоляда-Березовская, Татьяна Фёдоровна-
dc.contributor.authorBerezovsky, Stanislav-
dc.contributor.authorKoliada-Berezovska, Tetiana-
dc.identifier.citationБерезовський, C. Інтелектуально-евристичне моделювання електронних систем / С. Березовський, Т. Коляда-Березовська // Topical Issues of Society Development in the Turbulence Conditions : Conference Proceedings of the International Scientific Online Conference, Slovak Republic, Bratislava, May 30, 2020. - Bratislava, 2020. - P. 283-289.uk
dc.description.abstractIn the context of technical systems productivity increase problem embodying a challenge to society in turbulent conditions, exposed is the concept of forming modern multiservice switching structures, systems and networks using intelligent heuristic modeling. The study is focused on the task of ensuring the communication environment centralized management intelligence, which is implemented on the basis of 3D technologies, in particular the N-dimensional switching element by Berezovsky (SEB). It is emphasized that 3D models of SEBbased frameworks allow visualizing route data, as well as to carry out these data these data operative and retrospective analysis for the purpose of problems identifying, to model the routing schemes’ influence on structure operability, including when such operation refers on databases archive and similar. It is emphasized that the intelligent structures convergence is becoming more and more noticeable and SEB-based 3D switching structures can become a basis in the process of this problem solving.en
dc.publisherThe School of Economics and Management in Public Administration in Bratislavaen
dc.subjectintellectual-heuristic modelingen
dc.subjectBerezovsky switching elementen
dc.subject3D switching structuresen
dc.titleІнтелектуально-евристичне моделювання електронних системen
opu.kafedraКафедра української та російської мовuk
opu.citation.conferenceTopical Issues of Society Development in the Turbulence Conditionsen
opu.conference.dates30 May 2020en
Располагается в коллекциях:Статті каф. УМ

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