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dc.contributor.authorVinakov, Alexander-
dc.contributor.authorВінаков, Олександр Федорович-
dc.contributor.authorВинаков, Александр Федорович-
dc.contributor.authorSavolova, Elvira-
dc.contributor.authorСавьолова, Ельвіра Вікторівна-
dc.contributor.authorСавелова, Эльвира Викторовна-
dc.contributor.authorSkrynnyk, Anton-
dc.contributor.authorСкринник, Антон Іванович-
dc.contributor.authorСкрынник, Антон Иванович-
dc.identifier.citationVynakov, O. F., Savolova, E. V. Skrynnyk, A. I. (2016). Modern electric cars of Tesla Motors Company. Аutomation of technological and business processes, Vol. 8, Iss. 2, p. 9-18.en
dc.identifier.citationVynakov, O. F. Modern electric cars of Tesla Motors Company / O. F. Vynakov, E. V. Savolova, A. I. Skrynnyk // Аutomation of technological and business processes = Автоматизація технолог. і бізнес-процесів. - 2016. - Vol. 8, Iss. 2. - P. 9-18.en
dc.description.abstractThis overview article shows the advantages of a modern electric car as compared with internal combustion cars by the example of the electric vehicles of Tesla Motors Company. It (в смысле- статья) describes the history of this firm, provides technical and tactical characteristics of three modifications of electric vehicles produced by Tesla Motors. Modern electric cars are not less powerful than cars with combustion engines both in speed and acceleration amount. They are reliable, economical and safe in operation. With every year the maximum range of an electric car is increasing and its battery charging time is decreasing. Solving the problem of environmental safety, the governments of most countries are trying to encourage people to switch to electric cars by creating subsidy programs, lending and abolition of taxation. Therefore, the advent of an electric vehicle in all major cities of the world is inevitable.en
dc.publisherОдеса: [б. в.]en
dc.subjectElectric vehiclesen
dc.subjectTesla Model Хen
dc.subjectcompany Tesla Motorsen
dc.subjectTesla Model Sen
dc.subjectTesla Roadsteren
dc.titleModern electric cars of Tesla Motors Companyen
dc.typeProfessional articleen
opu.kafedraКафедра електромеханічних систем з комп'ютерним управліннямuk
opu.citation.journalАвтоматизация технологических и бизнес-процессов = Автоматизація технологічних і бізнес-процесівen
Располагается в коллекциях:Статті каф. ЕМІ

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