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dc.contributor.authorUsov, Anatoly-
dc.contributor.authorУсов, Анатолій Васильович-
dc.contributor.authorУсов, Анатолий Васильевич-
dc.contributor.authorNiekrasova, Lubov-
dc.contributor.authorНекрасова, Любов Аркадіївна-
dc.contributor.authorНекрасова, Любовь Аркадьевна-
dc.contributor.authorPredrag V. Dysic-
dc.contributor.authorПредраг В. Дайсіч-
dc.contributor.authorПредраг В. Дайсич-
dc.identifier.citationUsov, A. V., Niekrasova, L. A., Predrag V. Dasić. (2020). Management of developmentof manufacturing enterprisesin decentralization conditions. Management and Production Engineering Review, Vol. 11, N 4, p 46–55.en
dc.identifier.citationUsov, A. V. Management of developmentof manufacturing enterprisesin decentralization conditions / A. V. Usov, L. A. Niekrasova, Predrag V. Dasić // Management and Production Engineering Review. – 2020. – Vol. 11, N 4. – P. 46–55.en
dc.description.abstractThis article summarizes the arguments and counterarguments within the scientific dis-cussion on identifying the enterprise’s state to evaluate its effectiveness and optimize thetarget functions in solving enterprise development problems. The proposed scientific andmethodological approach to modeling the enterprise development management system un-der decentralization conditions and its practical implementation makes it possible to de-termine the dominant development parameters of manufacturing enterprises that influencethe United Territorial Community and to timely track the impulses and space of the Unit-ed Territorial Community state, taking into account the PS state as parameters for itsdevelopment. The proposed analysis of the Production System state within the UnitedTerritorial Community framework and evaluating its development dynamics shows the ne-cessity of forming a system of generalized vector-scalar, situationally oriented indicators.en
dc.publisherProduction Engineering Committee of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Polish Association for Production Managementen
dc.subjectsystem modelingen
dc.subjectstrategic planningen
dc.subjectproduction systemen
dc.subjectmanufacturing enterpriseen
dc.subjectsystem modelingen
dc.titleManagement of developmentof manufacturing enterprisesin decentralization conditionsen
dc.typeArticle in Scopusen
opu.kafedraКафедра економіки підприємствuk
opu.citation.journalManagement and Production Engineering Reviewen
Располагается в коллекциях:Статті кафедри економіки

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