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dc.contributor.authorKomleva, Nataliia-
dc.contributor.authorКомлева, Наталія Олегівна-
dc.contributor.authorКомлева, Наталья Олеговна-
dc.contributor.authorLiubchenko, Vira-
dc.contributor.authorЛюбченко, Віра Вікторівна-
dc.contributor.authorЛюбченко, Вера Викторовна-
dc.contributor.authorZinovatna, Svitlana-
dc.contributor.authorЗіноватна, Світлана Леонідівна-
dc.contributor.authorЗиноватна, Светлана Леонидовна-
dc.identifier.citationKomleva, N., Liubchenko, V., Zinovatna, S. (2020). Improvement of Teaching Quality in the View of a Resource-Based Approach. ICTERI-2020, 16th International Conference on ICT in Research, Education and Industrial Applications, Ukraine, Kharkiv, 6–10 October 2020, Vol. 2740, p. 262–277.en
dc.identifier.citationKomleva, N. Improvement of Teaching Quality in the View of a Resource-Based Approach / N. Komleva, V. Liubchenko, S. Zinovatna // ICTERI-2020 : 16th International Conference on ICT in Research, Education and Industrial Applications, Ukraine, Kharkiv, 6–10 October 2020. – 2020. – Vol. 2740. – P. 262–277.en
dc.description.abstractIn the paper, a way to improve the teaching quality by applying a resource-based approach is discussed. The solution includes a model of teaching quality, a method of student-centered teaching, and means for analyzing and managing the unobservable quality characteristics. We propose to consider the education process as a system with negative feedback, where the deviation of the values of the educational process characteristics from the normal ones diagnoses the type of the problem that interferes with the normal state of the educational process. The formalization of the unobservable quality characteristics of the educational process is carried out. The paper considers a means for measuring the values of these characteristics in different scales and provides examples of measuring. We also provide a formalized description of the teaching process and a set of questions for a student to evaluate teaching. An algorithm for the creation of a questionnaire, which covers the characteristics of various components of the teaching process, has been developed. Finally, we describe the task of informational diagnostics for the results of a student’s evaluation and the catalog of teaching tactics as a means for the systematic formation of quality-improving activities.en
dc.subjectResource-Based Approachen
dc.subjectStudent Evaluation of Teachingen
dc.subjectQuality Characteristicsen
dc.subjectQuestionnaire Completenessen
dc.subjectTeaching Tacticsen
dc.titleImprovement of Teaching Quality in the View of a Resource-Based Approachen
opu.citation.conference16th International Conference on ICT in Education, Research, and Industrial Applicationsen
opu.staff.idКафедра системного програмного забезпеченняuk
opu.conference.datesOctober 06-10, 2020en
Располагается в коллекциях:Матеріали конференцій, семінарів каф. ІПЗ

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