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dc.contributor.authorLiubchenko, Vira-
dc.contributor.authorЛюбченко, Віра Вікторівна-
dc.contributor.authorЛюбченко, Вера Викторовна-
dc.identifier.citationLiubchenko, V. (2020). Risk-Oriented Approach in Multi-Criteria Decision-Making. Proceedings of 1st International Workshop on Computational & Information Technologies for Risk-Informed Systems (CITRisk-2020), Ukraine, Kherson, 15-16 October 2020, Vol. 2805, p. 16–26.en
dc.identifier.citationLiubchenko, V. Risk-Oriented Approach in Multi-Criteria Decision-Making // Proceedings of 1st International Workshop on Computational & Information Technologies for Risk-Informed Systems (CITRisk-2020), Ukraine, Kherson, 15–16 October 2020. – 2020. – Vol. 2805. – P. 16–26.en
dc.description.abstractDecision-making depends on the availability of information and the ability of decision-makers to manipulate this information. This paper proposes an approach that integrates the decision-relevant information, which is subject to uncertainty, to multi-criteria decision-making. An approach must enable decision-makers to explore the uncertainty and risk involved in their decisions. It arose from the theory of risk-based decision-making and the generalization of particular risk-based solutions in different domains. Multi-Attribute Utility Theory (MAUT) became the ground for the proposed approach. Utility functions appropriately account for the associated uncertainty and risk attitude of decision-makers. Three types of weighing policies reflected risk importance from the decision-makers' point of view were introduced. MAUT seeks to trade-off among criteria and assigns a ranking to the alternatives. We examined the property of the proposed approach through a quantitative study on the alternatives ranking for decision-making in the transfer from face-to-face to online learning. The results showed that the risk-oriented approach reflected the risk-averse property and consequently provided rankings similar to ones realized in the natural conditions.en
dc.subjectInformed decision-makingen
dc.subjectMulti-criteria decision-makingen
dc.subjectMulti-Attribute Utility Theoryen
dc.subjectOnline learningen
dc.titleRisk-Oriented Approach in Multi-Criteria Decision-Makingen
opu.kafedraКафедра системного програмного забезпеченняuk
opu.citation.conference1st International Workshop on Computational & Information Technologies for Risk-Informed Systems (CITRisk-2020)en
opu.conference.datesOctober 15-16, 2020en
Располагается в коллекциях:Матеріали конференцій, семінарів каф. ІПЗ

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