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dc.contributor.authorVoytenko, Vladimir-
dc.contributor.authorVodichev, Vladimir-
dc.contributor.authorKalinin, Alexander-
dc.identifier.citationVoytenko V. Comparative Analysis of Energy Performance of Induction Single-Motor and Multi-Motor Traction Electric Drive / V. Voytenko, V. Vodichev, A. Kalinin // 2021 IEEE 2nd KhPI Week on Advanced Technology (KhPIWeek).en
dc.description.abstractThe aim of the work is to carry out a comparative analysis of the energy indicators of induction single-motor and multi-motor traction electric drive based on the assessment of energy losses in traction induction electric motors of different power when using frequency control, which ensures the speed regulation of traction induction electric motors with constant magnetic flux. As a result of the analysis, a formula was obtained that allows to determine the number of low-power motors that are part of a multi-motor electric drive, in which the energy effect will be provided from the use of a multi-motor electric drive instead of a single motor electric drive.en
dc.subjectinduction motoren
dc.subjectenergy lossesen
dc.subjectsingle-motor and multi-motor driveen
dc.subjectvoltage frequencyen
dc.subjectvoltage amplitudeen
dc.titleComparative Analysis of Energy Performance of Induction Single-Motor and Multi-Motor Traction Electric Driveen
Располагается в коллекциях:2021

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