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dc.contributor.authorTeslenko, Pavlo-
dc.contributor.authorLobachev, Mikhail-
dc.contributor.authorKondratiev, Serhii-
dc.contributor.authorTerentiev, Kyrylo-
dc.contributor.authorKuznichenko, Andrii-
dc.identifier.citationTeslenko P. Concept of the “Smart House” System for the Green Campus Project / P. Teslenko, M. Lobachev, К. Terentiev, S. Kondratiev, A. Kuznichenko // CEUR Workshop Proceedings, 2019en
dc.description.abstractThe abstracts present the results of many years of work by teachers and students of the Institute of Computer Systems of Odessa National Polytechnic University on the task of reconstructing the building of the institute. A retrospective of project management processes from the generation of an idea to obtaining theoretical developments and practical results in creating Green Campus based on smart building technologies is presented.en
dc.subjectproject managementen
dc.subjectGreen Campuen
dc.subjectsmart building technologieen
dc.subjectInstitute of Computer Systemsen
dc.subjectDepartment of Project-Based learning in ITen
dc.titleConcept of the “Smart House” System for the Green Campus Projecten
opu.citation.journalCEUR Workshop Proceedingsen
Располагается в коллекциях:2019

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