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dc.contributor.authorPetrushin, Viktor-
dc.contributor.authorPlotkin, Juriy-
dc.contributor.authorYenoktaiev, Rostislav-
dc.identifier.citationPetrushin, V., Plotkin, Ju., Yenoktaiev, R. (2017). Сharacteristics of Adjustable High-Phase Order Induction Motors and Their Optimal Design. International Journal on Electrical Engineering and Informatics, Vol. 9, N 2, p. 363-381.en
dc.identifier.citationPetrushin, V. Сharacteristics of Adjustable High-Phase Order Induction Motors and Their Optimal Design / V. Petrushin, Ju. Plotkin, R. Yenoktaiev // International Journal on Electrical Engineering and Informatics. - 2017. - Vol. 9, N 2. - P. 363-381.en
dc.description.abstractThe possibility of creating of modifications of high-phase asynchronous motors based on standard three-phase ones is justified. The authors considered a number of power circuits of controlled electrical drives in which high-phase power supply of induction motors is provided. The drives operation to certain by value and nature the load as well as the given adjustment range is analyzed. As a result of mathematical modeling it is determined that the overheating temperatures of stator windings of considered high-phase motors do not exceed the permissible values corresponding the heat resistance insulation class. Comparison of technical and economic parameters of the considered circuits and motors making it possible to realize an acceptable determination of options depending on reasonable selection criterion is carried out. The regularities of changes of the phase currents of high-phase motors in the adjustment range are determined. The change in the vibro-acoustic characteristics in static and dynamic modes is investigated. Reduction of these indicators in motors with the number of phases greater than three is determined. The authors considered a number of circuits of adjustable electric drives in which two-block rectifiers and high-phase induction motors are used. Automated optimal design of adjustable six-phase induction motors for three project tasks is carried out. Through parametric optimization acceptable values of variable parameters in two design criteria are found.en
dc.subjectselection criteriaen
dc.subjectvaried parametersen
dc.subjectadjustable high-phase order induction motoren
dc.subjectsemiconductor frequency converteren
dc.subjectmathematical modellingen
dc.subjectregulation curvesen
dc.subjectstator windingen
dc.subjectvibroacoustic indicatorsen
dc.subjecttwo-block rectifieren
dc.subjectdesign range criteriaen
dc.subjectautomated optimal designen
dc.titleСharacteristics of Adjustable High-Phase Order Induction Motors and Their Optimal Designen
opu.kafedraКафедра електричних машинuk
opu.citation.journalInternational Journal on Electrical Engineering and Informaticsen
opu.citation.volumeVolume 9en
opu.citation.issueNumber 2en
Располагается в коллекциях:Статті каф. ЕМ

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