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dc.contributor.authorGlava, Maria G.-
dc.contributor.authorMalakhov, Eugene V.-
dc.contributor.authorГлава, Мария Геннадьевна-
dc.contributor.authorМалахов, Евгений Валерьевич-
dc.identifier.citationGlava M. G. The integration of information systems on the basis of information models union of the subject domains / Maria G. Glava, Eugene V. Malakhov // Materials of the VI International Scientific-Practical Conference “Information-Management Systems and Technologies” 20th – 22th September, Odessa, 2017.– С. 223–225.en
dc.description.abstractOwing to the advances in the informatization of modern society, most organizations when they begin business process reengineering already have some ISs, which eventually also demand reengineering. Due to such reasons there are arising a difficulties of the connection and analyzing the contained information in the miscellaneous sources. It is becoming urgent task of consolidating the existing information systems. Moreover, in this case, the integration of information systems (IS) is actual not so much on the external schema level, i.e. on the user view, as at the data level, actually the part of the IS, which is the information model of the subject domain.en
dc.titleThe integration of information systems on the basis of information models union of the subject domainsen
dc.title.alternativeИнтеграция информационных систем на основе объединения информационных моделей предметных областейen
dc.typeConference proceedingsen
opu.kafedraКафедра інформаційних систем-
opu.citation.conferenceVI International Scientific-Practical Conference “Information-Management Systems and Technologies”en
opu.conference.dates20th – 22th Septemberen
Располагается в коллекциях:Матеріали конференцій, семінарів каф. ІС

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