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dc.contributor.authorFilatova, Tetiana-
dc.contributor.authorHlava, Mariia-
dc.contributor.authorФілатова, Тетяна Вячеславівна-
dc.contributor.authorФилатова, Татьяна Вячеславовна-
dc.contributor.authorГлава, Марія Геннадівна-
dc.contributor.authorГлава, Мария Геннадивна-
dc.identifier.citationFilatova, Т., Glava, M. (2016). Mathematical Models of Information Manipulation in the Subject Field of Intellectual Production in Educational Institutions. International Conference on Electronics and Information Technology (EIT), Odessa,, may 23-27, p. 92-96.en
dc.identifier.citationFilatova, Т. Mathematical Models of Information Manipulation in the Subject Field of Intellectual Production in Educational Institutions / T. Filatova, M. Glava // International Conference on Electronics and Information Technology (EIT), Odessa, may 23-27. - 2016. - P. 92-96.en
dc.identifier.otherDOI: 10.1109/ICEAIT.2016.7501000-
dc.identifier.otherEID: 2-s2.‎0-84979554925-
dc.description.abstractAbstract — The requirements of employers to the intellectual produce change every year with the due preference to the improvement of some criteria and the education’s quality. Therefore the methods, helping to process this information. Using the domain analysis, modeling, manipulation and function elaboration, it is possible to conduct the information management in certain domains and to improve education.en
dc.subjectdomains; quality of education; educational institution; intellective; quality management.en
dc.titleMathematical Models of Information Manipulation in the Subject Field of Intellectual Production in Educational Institutionsen
opu.kafedraКафедра економічної кібернетики та інформаційних технологійuk
Располагается в коллекциях:Статті каф. ЕКІТ

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