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dc.contributor.authorЛичинаки, Алексия Витальевна-
dc.contributor.authorЛічінакі, Олексія Віталіївна-
dc.contributor.authorLichinaki, Oleksiia-
dc.identifier.citationЛичинаки, А. Aрхаические мотивы в современном искусстве / А. Личинаки // Філософія та гуманізм. - 2017. - Вип. 1 (5). - С. 51-62.ru
dc.description.abstractThe article “Archaic Motifs in the Modern Art: the Problem of the Grounds and Methods of the Research” is devoted to the qualification of the meaning of archaic motifs in the modern art on the basis of the main methodological trends in cultural anthropology, psychology, philosophy of culture and semiology. The turn to archaic images and the extremely expressive style in the art of the XX century and general interest to archaic cultures revealed some conceptual and valuable stereotypes in the research of cultural dynamics but also inspired searching the adequate methodology. Some ideas of structuralism, psychoanalyses and symbolic interpretation as well help to discover the senses of the archaic patterns for the contemporary culture.en
dc.subjectarchaism, modern art, culture dynamicsen
dc.titleAрхаические мотивы в современном искусствеen
dc.title.alternativeARCHAIC MOTIFS IN THE MODERN ARTen
opu.kafedraКафедра філософії та методології наукиuk
opu.citation.journalфілософія та гуманізмen
Располагается в коллекциях:Статті каф. ФМН
Випуск 5, 2017:

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