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dc.contributor.authorNiekrasova, Lubov-
dc.contributor.authorBondarenko, Svitlana-
dc.contributor.authorLiganenko, Iryna-
dc.contributor.authorKalaman, Olga-
dc.contributor.authorНєкрасова, Любов Аркадіївна-
dc.contributor.authorНекрасова, Любовь Аркадьевна-
dc.contributor.authorБондаренко, Светлана-
dc.contributor.authorБондаренко, Світлана-
dc.contributor.authorЛіганенко, Ірина-
dc.contributor.authorЛиганенко, Ирина-
dc.identifier.citationBondarenko, S., Liganenko, I., Kalaman, O., Niekrasova, L. (2018). Comparison of methods for determining the competitiveness of enterprises to determine market strategy. International Journal of Civil Engineering and Technology, Vol. 9, Iss. 13, p. 890-898.en
dc.identifier.citationComparison of methods for determining the competitiveness of enterprises to determine market strategy / S. Bondarenko, I. Liganenko, O. Kalaman, L. Niekrasova // International Journal of Civil Engineering and Technology. - 2018. - Vol. 9, Iss. 1. - P. 890-898.en
dc.identifier.issn0976 - 6308( Print)-
dc.identifier.issn0976 - 6316(Online)-
dc.description.abstractCompetition is the driving force behind the development of objects and market players. The ultimate goal of any competitive struggle, depending on the competitiveness of the company's goods and services, that is, on how much they are better compared to their counterparts. success of a company's competitive advantages strengths and weaknesses of the company's position in the competition and comparing the results of the analysis with those of competitors. Analysis can be done using analytical or/and graphical way.en
dc.subjectAnalytical Methoden
dc.subjectGraphical Methoden
dc.subjectCompetitive Advantagesen
dc.titleComparison of methods for determining the competitiveness of enterprises to determine market strategyen
opu.kafedraКафедра економіки підприємствuk
opu.citation.journalInternational Journal of Civil Engineering and Technologyen
opu.citation.issueVolume 9, Issue 13en
Располагается в коллекциях:Статті кафедри економіки

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