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dc.contributor.authorRybka, Nataliia-
dc.identifier.citationRybka, N. M. (2018). The significance of the public and practical philosopher ai in the conditions of economic and knowledge. Problems of the formation and development of knowledge economy and information society, b. 2, Social-humanities and philosophical bases of knowledge economy and information society, p. 89-100.en
dc.identifier.citationRybka, N. M. The significance of the public and practical philosopher ai in the conditions of economic and knowledge / N. M. Rybka // Problems of the formation and development of knowledge economy and information society / International Academy of Information Science. - Varna, 2018. - B. 2 : Social-humanities and philosophical bases of knowledge economy and information society. - P. 89-100.en
dc.publisherVarna. International Academy of Information Scienceen
dc.titleChapter 8. The significance of the public and practical philosopher ai in the conditions of economic and knowledgeen
dc.typeBook chapteren
opu.kafedraКафедра філософії та методології наукиuk
Располагается в коллекциях:Монографії каф. ФМН

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