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dc.contributor.authorКулінська, Анжела Вікторівна-
dc.contributor.authorКулинская, Анжела Викторовна-
dc.contributor.authorKulinska, Anzhela-
dc.identifier.citationFrolova, L. V., Kulinskaya, A. V. (2016). Features of formation of the mechanism of ensuring economic security of the banking system of Ukraine. ECONOMICS: time realities, 4 (26), 13-20.en
dc.identifier.citationFrolova, L. V. Features of formation of the mechanism of ensuring economic security of the banking system of Ukraine / L. V. Frolova, A. V. Kulinskaya // ЕКОНОМІКА: реалії часу = ECONOMICS: time realities [Електрон. ресурс]. - Одеса, 2016. - № 4 (26). - P. 13-20.en
dc.description.abstractTo study specific features of formation of the mechanism of ensuring economic security of the banking system the article analyzes methodological approaches to understanding the problems of organization of effective system of banking security, systematic factors that cause threats to economic security in the banking system of the country and formulated a system of obligatory conditions of successful implementation of economic security of the banking system of Ukraine. The necessity of improving the level of management of economic safety of banking institutions and its rapid adaptation to changing conditions of competition in the banking sector of Ukraine's economyen
dc.subjecteconomic security, banking system, banking sector, banking services, banking securityen
dc.titleFeatures of formation of the mechanism of ensuring economic security of the banking system of Ukraineen
dc.typeArticle in Index Copernicusen
opu.kafedraКафедра адміністративного менеджменту та проблем ринкуuk
opu.citation.journalЕкономіка: реалії часуen
opu.citation.issue4 (26)en
Располагается в коллекциях:Статті каф.АМПР

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