The purpose of the study is to analyze the ways of enhancing innovation activity and to substantiate the
methodological and practical aspects of creating an effective system of food industry enterprises innovative
activity management. The main materials used in the paper were the statistics of the State Statistics Committee of Ukraine and the Odessa Regional Department of Statistics; data of the Ministry of Economy of Ukraine, Department of Food Industry, legislative and regulatory acts on management of investment activities; and data from domestic and foreign periodicals. The research used the following methods of processing statistical data - a method of statistical observation using financial and economic reporting of food industry enterprises with further grouping of the received materials, and analyzed the absolute and relative statistical quantities. The method of comparison and analogy is used to process media content.
According to the paper, the management system for innovative food business activity needs to be improved in
accordance with modern conditions. The synthesis of levers, methods, legislation and information base should
create an effective mechanism for managing the innovative activities of food industry enterprises and help Ukrainian food producers to take a worthy place on the world market.
The model of food enterprises innovative activity management in the conditions of the economic crisis in
Ukraine is developed. The use of a clustered approach to combining enterprises as a factor for improving the
efficiency of innovation activity management through intensive methods (introduction of innovations) is proposed by creating a cluster that would ensure the cooperation of food industry enterprises with agricultural
enterprises in a certain territory.