A method of supporting of urgent anti-crisis solution in managing of complex organizational
and technical systems of responsible purpose, for example, in managing of projects / programs / portfolios, is proposed. Since anti-crisis
decisions have to be made in the shortest possible time, and the parameters of both managed processes and the crises that they encounter
differ in marginal multifactoriality and stochasticity until complete uncertainty, it is proposed to use approaches based on organizationalorganizational-based optimization. However, when making anti-crisis decisions, sometimes you have to neglect the accuracy and adequacy
of the models used to identify the direction and parameters of actions that can save the process as a whole. The method is to temporarily
replace organizational models that are inaccessible to the person involved in anti-crisis planning (by presence, time complexity, inaccuracy,
stochasticity, etc.) with virtual physical (eg thermophysical) solutions to the problem of optimization of anti-crisis actions at this level and
return to organizational models. Examples of organizational-hydraulic, organizational-electrical, and organizational-mechanical analogies are
discussed, as well as the use of such analogies in process optimization and model simplification. For organizational-thermophysical analogy,
experimental confirmation of the hypothesis and the proposed model was performed. A positive example of the use of the proposed method
in the practice of project management is given. An approach to the designation of the relevant variables is proposed, which allows to
distinguish them from the conventional notation of physical quantities.