Issues related to
increasing the bearing capacity of the span beams of bridge-type cranes by the prestressing method
are considered. A new constructive solution is proposed for unloading the main beams of the crane
and studying their static stiffness at various places of temporary load position. An appropriate
mathematical model of a bridge crane with prestressed beams has been developed, which is based
on the general theory of stability of elastic systems. The equations of the curve of the beam
deflections are obtained, on the basis of which the static stiffness of the main beam is studied,
depending on the nature of the external temporary load. It has been established that the use of the
proposed constructive solution allows to minimize curvature of the span when the cargo trolley is
located above the support. The results of the work can be used to modernize cranes in order to
increase their load capacity, extend their service life without dismantling, as well as to improve
existing structures and engineering methods for their calculation.