This paper has analyzed the equation of motion in terms of stress-es (Navier), as well as its two special cases for an incompressible vis-cous current. One is the Stokes (Navier-Stokes) equation, and the other was derived with fewer restrictions. It has been shown that the Laplace equation of linear velocity can be represented as a function of two variables ‒ the linear and angular speed of particle rotation.To describe the particle acceleration, all motion equations employed a complete derivative from speed in the Gromeka-Lamb form, which depends on the same variables.Taking into consideration the joint influence of linear and angu-lar velocity allows solving a task of the analytical description of a tur-bulent current within the average model. A given method of analysis applies the provision of general physics that examines the translational and rotational motion. The third type of mechanical movement, oscilla-tory (pulsation), was not considered in the current work.A property related to the Stokes equation decomposition has been found; a block diagram composed of equations and conditions has been built. It is shown that all equations for viscous liquid have their own analog in a simpler model of non-viscous fluid. That makes it easier to find solutions to the equations for the viscous flow.The Stokes and Navier equations were used to solve two one-di-mensional problems, which found the distribution of speed along the normal to the surface at the flow on a horizontal plate and in a circular pipe. Both solution methods produce the same result. No solution for the distribution of speed along the normal to the surface in a laminar sublayer could be found. A relevant task related to the mathematical part is to solve the problem of closing the equations considered.A comparison of the theoretical and empirical equations has been performed, which has made it possible to justify the assumption that a rarefied gas is the Stokes liquid