Smart Education 4.0: Balancing Dual-Distance and Reskilling Revolution

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dc.contributor.author Bashynska, Iryna
dc.contributor.author Башинська, Ірина Олександрівна
dc.contributor.author Башинская, Ирина Александровна
dc.contributor.author Garachkovska, Oksana
dc.contributor.author Kichuk, Yaroslav
dc.contributor.author Podashevska, Tetiana
dc.contributor.author Bigus, Olga
dc.date.accessioned 2021-07-28T10:58:27Z
dc.date.available 2021-07-28T10:58:27Z
dc.date.issued 2021-07-20
dc.identifier.citation Bashynska, I., Garachkovska, O., Kichuk, Ya., Podashevska, T., Bigus, O. (2021). Smart Education 4.0: Balancing Dual-Distance and Reskilling Revolution. Studies of Applied Economics, Vol. 39, N 6, p. 1-11. en
dc.identifier.citation Smart Education 4.0: Balancing Dual-Distance and Reskilling Revolution / I. Bashynska, O. Garachkovska, Ya. Kichuk, T. Podashevska, O. Bigus // Studies of Applied Economics. - 2021. - Vol. 39, N 6. - P. 1-11. en
dc.identifier.uri http://dspace.opu.ua/jspui/handle/123456789/11829
dc.description.abstract On January 22, 2020, in Davos, the World Economic Forum launched Reskilling Revolution, a multistakeholder initiative aimed at providing better education, new skills, and better jobs for a billion people worldwide by 2030, so questions about improving the quality of education by introducing dual distance education and retraining of personnel at enterprises are becoming more and more relevant. In the course of the study, the authors analyzed the current problems of universities and enterprises, which allowed them to propose the creation of a smart cluster. The authors demonstrated the interaction of cluster participants using the example of education. The study showed that it is with such a tool that it is possible to solve the current problems of the participants, and in general, to improve the quality of education, the well-being of the region and, as a result, when scaling up, the well-being of the country and its image and culture on the world stage. The study showed that only through joint efforts and cooperation between universities, employers, research institutes and the state, it is possible not only to improve the quality of education but also to provide enterprises with a qualified workforce on a permanent rotation basis than to increase the competitiveness of business. This will allow research institutes and universities to raise funding, which can be directed not only to maintaining the current state but also to the development and introduction of resource-saving technologies, which we see as further research methods. en
dc.language.iso en_US en
dc.subject smart en
dc.subject smart city en
dc.subject reskilling revolution en
dc.subject dual-distance education en
dc.title Smart Education 4.0: Balancing Dual-Distance and Reskilling Revolution en
dc.type Article in Scopus en
opu.kafedra Кафедра обліку, аналізу і аудиту uk
opu.citation.journal Studies of Applied Economics en
opu.citation.volume 6 en
opu.citation.firstpage 1 en
opu.citation.lastpage 11 en
opu.citation.issue 39 en
opu.staff.id i.a.bashinskaya@opu.ua en

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