Methods, techniques for pain diagnosis: medicine and biomedical engineering

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dc.contributor.author Chеbotarova, Ganna
dc.contributor.author Kokidko, Liudmyla
dc.date.accessioned 2024-05-23T12:10:33Z
dc.date.available 2024-05-23T12:10:33Z
dc.date.issued 2024
dc.identifier.citation Chеbotarova, G. Methods, techniques for pain diagnosis: medicine and biomedical engineering / G. Chеbotarova, L. Kokidko // Сучасні технології біомед. інженерії = Modern technologies of biomedical engineering : матеріали ІІІ Міжнарод. наук.-техн. конф., м. Одеса, 08−10 трав. 2024 р. / Нац. ун-т «Одес. політехніка». – Одеса, 2024. – С. 79-80. en
dc.identifier.uri http://dspace.opu.ua/jspui/handle/123456789/14412
dc.description.abstract Chronic myofascial pain syndrome leads to the development of myofascial pain syndrome, corresponding neurological symptoms. Neck pain syndrome is the fourth most common cause of disability. It is well known that the main factors in the mechanism of pain in the cervical spine, occipital area, upper extremities, dizziness, gait disturbances, paresthesia, and neurological symptoms are degenerative-dystrophic processes in the cervical spine and its complications, anomalies in the development of bone structure and musculoskeletal apparatus, post-traumatic manifestations, oncopathology, specific and nonspecific inflammatory processes. It is widely known that pain chronicity significantly disrupts people’s lives and health, affects medical health indicators, social and economic indicators of the living object and the country as a whole. The degree of muscle pain in clinical practice is mostly determined by palpation. Three degrees of pain are distinguished: I − oderate pain, without motor reactions (subjectively); II − pronounced pain, accompanied by the patient’s mimetic eaction; III − sharply pronounced pain, general motor reaction of the patient. Cooperation between specialists in biomedical engineering and doctors of various specialties is important. The goal of cooperation for each doctor with biomedical engineers is to maximize the objectivity of diagnostics, assessment of treatment methods, possibilities of disease prevention, rehabilitation, implementation of innovative techniques in medicine. en
dc.language.iso en_US en
dc.subject pain en
dc.subject bachelor’s degree en
dc.subject Educational-Professional Program en
dc.subject rehabilitation en
dc.subject diagnosis en
dc.title Methods, techniques for pain diagnosis: medicine and biomedical engineering en
dc.type Article en
opu.citation.journal BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING en
opu.citation.firstpage 79 en
opu.citation.lastpage 80 en
opu.citation.conference Матеріали ІІІ міжнародної науково-технічної конференції «Сучасні технології біомедичної інженерії» 08−10 травня 2024 року, м. Одеса, Україна en
opu.staff.id a.m.chebotareva@gmail.com en
opu.conference.dates 08−10 травня 2024 року en

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