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  • Dobryshev, Ruslan Y.; Добришев, Руслан Євгенович; Maksymov, Maksym V.; Максимов, Максим Віталійович (Odessа Polytechnic National University, 2024-09-27)
    The paper presents a novel deep learning approach for crowd counting in intelligent video surveillance systems, addressing the growing need for accurate monitoring of public spaces in urban environments. The demand for ...
  • Obrizan, Volodymyr I.; Обрізан, Володимир Ігорович (Odessа Polytechnic National University, 2024-09-27)
    Continuous Integration is a crucial practice in modern software development, enabling teams to automate the process of building, testing, and merging code increments to ensure continuous delivery of high-quality software. ...
  • Kobets, Vitaliy M.; Кобець, Віталій Миколайович; Stang, Nikita D.; Штанг, Нікіта Денисович (Odessа Polytechnic National University, 2024-09-27)
    This paper addresses the critical need for efficient market analysis tools in the era of big data and artificial intelligence. We present a novel software service that integrates real-time news sentiment analysis with ...
  • Mishchenko, Maksym V.; Міщенко, Максим Валерійович (Odessа Polytechnic National University, 2024-09-27)
    This study is focused on the creation of an expert system for generating recommendations on cyber security. The developed expert system uses a game-theoretic model as a inference engine to transform expert knowledge into ...
  • Romankevich, Vitaliy A.; Романкевич, Віталій Олексійович; Yermolenko, Ihor A.; Єрмоленко, Ігор Андрійович; Morozov, Kostiantyn V.; Морозов, Костянтин В’ячеславович; Romankevich, Alexei M.; Романкевич, Олексій Михайлович (Odessа Polytechnic National University, 2024-09-27)
    The article is devoted to methods of constructing graph-logical models of fault-tolerant multiprocessor systems. In particular, systems of the type (n, f, k), linear consecutive-k-out-of-n and circular consecutive-k-out-of-n ...
  • Mrykhin, Andrew L.; Мрихін, Андрій Львович; Antoshchuk, Svitlana G.; Антощук, Світлана Григорівна (Odessа Polytechnic National University, 2024-09-27)
    Manufacturing businesses are showing increased interest in the issue of supply risks for materials and components. In recent decades, numerous studies and reviews have been published on the subject of supply chain risks. ...
  • Fomin, Oleksandr O.; Фомін, Олександр Олексійович; Speranskyy, Viktor O.; Сперанський, Віктор Олександрович; Orlov, Andrii A.; Орлов, Андрій Андрійович; Tataryn, Oleksiy V.; Татарин, Олексій Васильович; Kushchevyi, Denys V.; Кущевий, Денис Вікторович (Odessа Polytechnic National University, 2024-09-27)
    The paper is devoted to resolving the contradiction between the accuracy of modeling nonlinear dynamic objects and the speed of models building under conditions of limited computing resources. The purpose of the work is ...
  • Mashtalir, Sergii V.; Машталір, Сергій Володимирович; Nikolenko, Oleksandr V.; Ніколенко, Олександр Володимирович (Odessа Polytechnic National University, 2024-09-27)
    Hierarchical classifiers play a crucial role in addressing complex classification tasks by breaking them down into smaller, more manageable sub-tasks. This paper continues a series of works, focused on the technical ...
  • Zaykov, Vladimir P.; Зайков, Володимир Петрович; Mescheryakov, Vladimir I.; Мещеряков, Володимир Іванович; Ustenko, Andrii S.; Устенко, Андрiй Сергiйович; Troynina, Anastasiya S.; Тройніна, Анастасія Сергіївна (Odessа Polytechnic National University, 2024-09-27)
    The analysis of the mathematical model of the system of providing thermal modes with the use of thermoelectric cooling to assess the influence of the conditions of heat exchange of the heat sink with the medium on the ...