2024, Vol. 7, № 4

2024, Vol. 7, № 4


Последние добавления

  • Bocharova, Maiia Y.; Бочарова, Майя Юріївна; Malakhov, Eugene V.; Малахов, Євгеній Валерійович (Odessа Polytechnic National University, 2024-11-29)
    With the ever-growing expansion of online recruitment, a reliable person-job matching has become increasingly crucial. Due to different experience, education and specialization requirements, as well as location considerations, ...
  • Galchonkov, Oleg N.; Галчонков, Олег Миколайвич; Baranov, Alexey M.; Баранов, Олексій Миколайвич; Baskov, Illia O.; Баськов, Ілля Олександрович (Odessа Polytechnic National University, 2024-11-29)
    Using drones to search for mines is a promising area that allows accelerating the process of demining an area and reducing the danger to people. To increase the probability of detecting mines, drones use sensors with ...
  • Berezsky, Oleh M.; Березький, Олег Миколайович; Liashchynskyi, Pavlo B.; Лящинський, Павло Борисович (Odessа Polytechnic National University, 2024-11-29)
    With the development of information technology, automation of various production processes is an urgent task, and medical diagnostics is no exception. In recent decades, artificial intelligence and information technology ...
  • Shuryhin, Kostiantyn A.; Шуригін, Костянтин Андрійович; Zinovatna, Svitlana L.; Зіноватна, Світлана Леонідівна (Odessа Polytechnic National University, 2024-11-29)
    The rapid expansion of artificial intelligence (AI) in consumer markets presents challenges, particularly in how cognitive biases influence financial decision-making. These biases can lead to irrational spending, raising ...
  • Kondratyev, Sergey B.; Кондратьєв, Сергій Борисович; Antoshchuk, Svitlana G.; Антощук, Світлана Григорівна; Hodovychenko, Mykola A.; Годовиченко, Микола Анатолійович (Odessа Polytechnic National University, 2024-11-29)
    Depth maps are essential in applications such as robotics, augmented reality, autonomous vehicles, and medical imaging, providing critical spatial information. However, depth maps from sensors like time-of-flight (ToF) ...
  • Paranchuk, Roman Y.; Паранчук, Роман Ярославович; Paranchuk, Yaroslav S.; Паранчук, Ярослав Степанович; Sulyma, Nazarii R.; Сулима, Назарій Романович; Chernyavsky, Mykola Igorovych; Чернявський, Микола Ігорович (Odessа Polytechnic National University, 2024-11-29)
    The intensification of production and the development of electrical technologies result in increased energy intensity and concentration of electrical loads. There is a growing number of nonlinear, phase-asymmetric, and ...
  • Malanchuk, Oksana M.; Маланчук, Оксана Михайлівна; Тryhuba, Аnatoliy M.; Тригуба, Анатолій Миколайович (Odessа Polytechnic National University, 2024-11-29)
    Based on the analysis, it is established that traditional approaches, such as the SIR (Susceptible-Infectious-Covered) and SEIR (Susceptible-Exposed-Infectious-Covered) models, do not provide sufficient forecasting accuracy ...
  • Pavlenko, Vitaliy D.; Павленко, Віталій Данилович; Lukashuk, Denys K.; Лукашук, Денис Костянтинович (Odessа Polytechnic National University, 2024-11-29)
    For mathematical modeling of the human eye movement system (EMS), integral nonlinear models are employed, which simultaneously account for the nonlinear dynamics and inertial properties of the ...