The solution to the problem of the stability of a rectangular orthotropic plate is described by the
numerical-analytical method of boundary elements. As is known, the basis of this method is the analytical
construction of the fundamental system of solutions and Green’s functions for the differential equation (or
their system) for the problem under consideration. To account for certain boundary conditions, or contact
conditions between the individual elements of the system, a small system of linear algebraic equations is
compiled, which is then solved numerically. It is shown that four combinations of the roots of the
characteristic equation corresponding to the differential equation of the problem are possible, which leads to
the need to determine sixty-four analytical expressions of fundamental functions. The matrix of fundamental
functions, which is the basis of the transcendental stability equation, is very sparse, which significantly
improves the stability of numerical operations and ensures high accuracy of the results. An analysis of the
numerical results obtained by the author’s method shows very good convergence with the results of finite
element analysis. For both variants of the boundary conditions, the discrepancy for the corresponding
critical loads is almost the same, and increases slightly with increasing critical load. Moreover, this
discrepancy does not exceed one percent. It is noted that under both variants of the boundary conditions, the
critical loads calculated by the boundary element method are less than in the finite element calculations. The
obtained transcendental stability equation allows to determine critical forces both by the static method and
by the dynamic one. From this equation it is possible to obtain a spectrum of critical forces for a fixed
number of half-waves in the direction of one of the coordinate axes. The proposed approach allows us to
obtain a solution to the stability problem of an orthotropic plate under any homogeneous and
inhomogeneous boundary conditions.