Entrepreneurship ensures the development of both the national
economy and the population's, well-being so it embodies a necessary
process and factor for ensuring sustainable development. In the long run,
sustainability is impossible without development and the entrepreneurship
as one of its main stakeholders plays a triple role, acting at the same time
as a significant factor, part of the economic component and a mechanism
ensuring the sustainable development. The article examines issues of
sustainable development entrepreneurship; considered is the substantial
characteristics of management tools for system-integrated sustainable
development entrepreneurship management, thus offering a system of
digital tools services for sustainable development entrepreneurship digital
platform and model for sustainable development entrepreneurship. The
theoretical and methodological approaches to business development
management proposed are designated to provide management focusing on
sustainable development, system-integrated nature, anticipatory influence,
use of rapidly growing digital capabilities, therefore forming an innovative
basis for management and its object development. Its components are: a
system of digital tools, a model of socially responsible business ideas and
business projects selection; business models for sustainable development
entrepreneurship. The study results are of essential practical importance for
the process of one’s own business conducting with the use the rapidly
growing opportunities opening.