The use of multi-agent technologies in modern distributed information systems, that
due to the increasingly demanded properties of autonomy, mobility, intelligence,
cooperation, determines their appearance in the tools of online and offline testing. This
work presents an agent-based check model of behavioral testing of a component of a
distributed information system in its resource environment. This agent check model has
the features of the composition of the reactive online and deliberative offline
components of testing, suggesting deterministic and evolutionary methods of
decomposition behavioral testing. To ensure autonomy and mobility, the agent-based
check model defines the resource model of the component deployment environment,
models of its goals and test strategies, signatures of multi-agent operations, as part of
observation, strategy execution and adaptation, as well as initial models, goals and test
strategies of the component. For the intelligence of the agent-based check model, its
main components are also defined as individuals in the population of evolutionary test
generation, which is proposed as an implementation of the deliberative component
testing strategy. For the cooperation of agent-based check models in the network and
multi-level interaction of their reactive and deliberative components, there are
cooperative definitions for resource models of placement, goals and strategies,
operations and initializations, realizability and transportability into the network DIS
model, inheritance into the hierarchical DIS model. The check model defines the formal
conditions/requirements for the performance of the behavioral online and offline
testing, that performed by the multi-agent system of testing, and can be taken as the
basic one, when constructing methods and special distributed behavioral test systems.