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dc.contributor.author | Аль-хасун Хуссейн Гені Абдулкарім | |
dc.contributor.author | Al-hasoon Abdulkareem, H. G. | |
dc.contributor.author | Аль-хасун Хуссейн Гени Абдулкарим | |
dc.date.accessioned | 2017-04-03T18:30:14Z | |
dc.date.available | 2017-04-03T18:30:14Z | |
dc.date.issued | 2015-07-06 | |
dc.identifier.citation | Аль-хасун Хуссейн Гені Абдулкарім. Синтез та аналіз несиметричних обмоток машин змінного струму : автореф. дис. ... канд. техн. наук : спец. 05.09.01 - Електр. машини і апарати / Аль-хасун Хуссейн Гені Абдулкарім ; наук. керівник А. М. Якімець ; Одес. нац. політехн. ун-т. - Одеса, 2015. - 22 с. | uk |
dc.identifier.citation | Аль-хасун Хуссейн Гени Абдулкарим. Синтез и анализ несимметричных обмоток машин переменного тока : дис. ... канд. техн. наук : спец. 05.09.01 - Электр. машины и аппараты / Аль-хасун Хуссейн Гени Абдулкарим ; наук. рук. А. М. Якимец ; Одес. нац. политехн. ун-т. - Одесса, 2015. - 170 с. : рис. - Библиогр.: с. 101-107 (76 назв.). | ru |
dc.identifier.uri | http://opu.ua/science/dissertation/reports/165 | |
dc.identifier.uri | http://dspace.opu.ua/jspui/handle/123456789/1787 | |
dc.description.abstract | The work is devoted to the synthesis of a number of two- and three-phase asymmetri-al coils with weak asymmetry and the study of their electromagnetic properties in order to enable the design of asynchronous motors with improved technical and technological parameters. State of the theory of asymmetric windings of electrical machines AC does not meet the requirements of the current level of electrical engineering, which needs highperformance design tools such coils for electrical machines. Using a method based on the notion of winding coefficient for each harmonic in the form of symmetrical components, studies have been conducted electromagnetic properties of unsymmetrical windings. Investigated the vector diagrams EMF asymmetrical coils, which provided an exception error in the determination of the coefficients of winding. The techniques of balancing asymmetrical coils. Defined eligibility criteria for the synthesis of windings by converting numerical series winding. Further developed methods for the synthesis of unsymmetrical multiphase windings by varying the number of turns in the coils when balancing. This allowed the system to provide almost symmetrical currents during operation of asynchronous motors with such windings. Synthesized internal valuation models (intraphase) asymmetry two- and three-phase windings of asymmetric, led to the conclusion on the admissibility of performing winding with several parallel branches. Application of the method of symmetrical components when performing harmonic analysis EMF symmetrized multi-phase windings, allowed a high degree of adequacy simulate asynchronous machines with such windings. Adequacy of mathematical models was confirmed by the experimental verification of the possibility of using the proposed equal-windings with weak asymmetry for mass-produced motors. The tests of the engine with the proposed winding showed more reduction of technical indicators experimental machine compared to the commercially available analogs. Using the proposed windings at modernization in the repair and with the release of the new engines will expand the scope of the standard units and details of electrical machines. | en |
dc.language.iso | uk | en |
dc.publisher | Рукопис | en |
dc.subject | multi-phase asymmetrical windings | en |
dc.subject | equal-windings coil | en |
dc.subject | unequalwindings coil | en |
dc.subject | winding factor | en |
dc.subject | symmetrical components | en |
dc.subject | vector diagrams | en |
dc.subject | symmetry | en |
dc.subject | mathematical model | en |
dc.subject | numerical series winding | en |
dc.subject | harmonic structure | en |
dc.title | Синтез i аналіз несиметричних обмоток машин змінного струму | en |
dc.title.alternative | Synthesis and analysis of nonsymmetric windings of AC machines | en |
dc.type | Preprint | en |
opu.kafedra | Кафедра електричних машин | uk |