Праці Одеського політехнічного університету, №1(54), 2018

Праці Одеського політехнічного університету, №1(54), 2018


Последние добавления

  • Uminsky, S.; Уминський, С.М.; Yakimov, O.; Якімов, О.О.; Bovnegra, L.; Бовнегра, Л.В.; Klimenko, N.; Кліменко, Н.М.; Balan, V.; Балан, В.О. (ОНПУ, 2018)
    To lower thermal stress of process of grinding, it is possible by application of wheels with intermittent working surface. At the certain parity of lengths of protrusions and cavities as well as at certain their quantities ...
  • Perperi, L.; Перпері, Л.М.; Oborskyi, H.; Оборський, Г.О.; Goloborodko, G.; Голобородько, Г.М.; Palennyy, Yu.; Паленний, Ю.Г. (ОНПУ, 2018)
    Considered are the issues related to elaboration of processes quality assessment model improvement based onto the assessment of the expected result achievement level using the “maturity scale”. Defined are that assessment ...
  • Stanovskiy, O .; Становський, О.Л.; Prokopovitch, I .; Прокопович, І.В.; Olekh, H .; Олех, Г.С.; Kolesnikova, K .; Колеснікова, К.В.; Sorokina, L .; Сорокіна, Л.І. (ОНПУ, 2018)
    Today, around the world, much attention is paid to ecology and compliance with environmental standards. Any human activity should have minimal impact on the environment, and now it's no one's doubts. To determine the degree ...
  • Kazakov, A.; Казаков, A. І.; Burtnyi, D.; Буртний, Д. В.; Shapovalov, H.; Шаповалов, Г. В. (ОНПУ, 2018)
    Based on the regular solution model and the standard thermodynamic functions used to describe the properties of binary states and the interaction of atoms in four-component solid solutions, the higher derivatives of the ...
  • Krissilov, V.; Крісілов, В.А.; Ngoc Vu Huy; Хіу, Нгок Ву; Zinovatna, S.; Зіноватна, С.Л. (ОНПУ, 2018)
    Due to current popularity of distance learning and significant differences in software and hardware data transmission means, the actual problem is the variability of training information provided to a student. The aim ...
  • Savelyeva, O .; Савєльєва, О.В.; Prokopovich, I .; Прокопович, І.В.; Pavlyshko, A .; Павлишко, А.В.; Matveev, A .; Матвєєв, А.Л.; Starushkevitch, T .; Старушкевич, Т.І. (ОНПУ, 2018)
    The decision of the problem of three-dimensional modeling according to the developed drawings of experimental implants for the reinforcement of femoral bones with the possibility of variation of their parameters according ...
  • Pelykh, Serhii; Пелих, Сергій Миколайович; Frolov, Maksym; Фролов, Максим Олександрович; Nalyvaiko, Artem; Наливайко, Артем Володимирович; Zhou, Hui yu; Чжоу, Хуійю; Пелых, Сергей Николаевич; Фролов, Максим Александрович; Наливайко, Артем Владимирович; Чжоу, Хуийю (ОНПУ, 2018)
    An automated system for control of VVER-1000 reactor fuel properties considering fuel element cladding damage parameter,fuel burnup and axial offset has been proposed. Using the synergic method for control of nuclear fuel ...
  • Usov, A.; Усов, А.В.; Kunitsyn, M.; Куніцин, М.В. (ОНПУ, 2018)
    The possibilities of increasing the reliability and durability of a cylindrical group by technological methods, in particular, the use of coatings from wear-resistant materials on the working surfaces of cylinders are ...
  • Yakimov, O.; Якімов, О.О.; Zadorozhko, G.; Задорожко, Г.І.; Bovnegra, L.; Бовнегра, Л.В.; Beznos, S.; Безнос, С.В.; Balan, V.; Балан, В.О. (ОНПУ, 2018)
    Grinding in most cases is the final operation of machining, on which the quality of the surface layer of the manufactured part is formed. Stable quality of the surface layer during grinding and high productivity can be ...
  • Koshel, Sergiy O.; Кошель, С.О.; Koshel, Ganna V.; Кошель, Г.В. (ОНПУ, 2018)
    The use of complex plane mechanisms in processing equipment of consumer industry is increasing. The absence of a general method of kinematic research of the fourth and higher class mechanisms ...