Developing public trend of healthy lifestyle popularity
stimulates the growth of demand for functional products. Trading networks are interested in expanding the
relevantsegments of their product range. The purpose
of the study is to develop a formula and processing of
ice cream with adaptogenic functional properties.
Foresight on volumes of the functional products market is formed applying methods of constructing and
analyzing dynamic series. Organoleptic evaluation
of functional ice cream is carried out by the descriptive method (qualitative) and by the profile analysis
method (quantitative). Nutritional value is estimated
through the use of physicochemical methods: total
protein content - by applying Kjeldahl method; amino
acid composition - by ion-exchange chromatography;
vitamin content - by high-performance liquid chromatography, fluorescent method; the content of mineral
substances - by the method of flame photometry. In
order to preserve the nutrient composition of spirulina, the method of sublimation drying is used.
The average annual growth of Ukraine functional products domestic market volume is forecasted to amount
5% in the next three years. For the retail chains functional productsrange expansion, a recipe and technology for the production of milk-based ice-cream (milk)
using spirulina (Spirulina Turp.) and extract of stevia
leaves, as a sugarsubstitute, which have a total volume
of 6%, is developed. The use of the indicated concentration of components enriches the formulation of ice
cream with a full protein in the amount of 7 g per 100
g of product, flavonoids, unsaturated fatty acids, min
erals (potassium, calcium, phosphorus, iron, sodium,
magnesium, silicon, zinc, copper, selenium, chromium,
etc.), vitamins C, A, E of B complex.
The efficiency of using the sublimation drying method in the functional purpose ice cream production is
experimentally proved. A new type of ice cream is a
product with high biological value due to the adding
of spirulina and stevia plant material into its composition. Developed optimal concentration of additives
provides a high nutritional value - digestibility, a mass
fraction of nutrients and biologically active substances, organoleptic and physiological value. The estimated cost of ice cream confirms its price competitiveness
in the functional products segment.