Method for determination of water hammer conditions and consequences in pressurizers of nuclear reactors

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dc.contributor.author Skalozubov, Volodymyr
dc.contributor.author Сhulkin, Оleg
dc.contributor.author Pirkovskyi, Denys
dc.contributor.author Kozlov, Ihor
dc.contributor.author Komarov, Yurii
dc.contributor.author Скалозубов, Владимир Иванович
dc.contributor.author Чулкин, Олег Александрович
dc.contributor.author Пирковский, Денис Сергеевич
dc.contributor.author Козлов, Игорь Леонидович
dc.contributor.author Комаров, Юрий Алексеевич
dc.contributor.author Скалозубов, Володимир Іванович
dc.contributor.author Чулкін, Олег Олександрович
dc.contributor.author Козлов, Ігор Леонидович
dc.contributor.author Пірковський, Денис Сергійович
dc.contributor.author Комаров Юрій Олексійович
dc.date.accessioned 2019-07-25T11:18:48Z
dc.date.available 2019-07-25T11:18:48Z
dc.date.issued 2019-03-13
dc.identifier.citation Skalozubov, V. I., Chulkin, O. A., Pirkovskiy, D. S., Kozlov, I. L., Komarov, Yu. A. (2019). Method for determination of water hammer conditions and consequences in pressurizers of nuclear reactors. Turkish Journal of Physics, 43(3), 229-235. en
dc.identifier.citation Method for determination of water hammer conditions and consequences in pressurizers of nuclear reactors / V. I. Skalozubov, O. A. Chulkin, D. S. Pirkovskiy. Kozlov, I. L., Komarov, Yu. A. // Turkish Journal of Physics. – 2019. – Vol. 43, Iss. 3. – С. 229-235. en
dc.identifier.issn 1300-0101
dc.identifier.uri http://dspace.opu.ua/jspui/handle/123456789/8678
dc.description.abstract Results of known experimental and computed studies of conditions for water hammers (WHs) in reactor pressurizers are analyzed. It is found that when emergency opening of pilot-operated safety valves of the pressurizers of nuclear reactors happens, WHs can be generated on pressurizer elements, and amplitudes of hydrodynamic load pulses significantly override the limiting values. An original method for determination of the WH conditions and consequences in the case of emergency filling of the pressurizers of nuclear reactors is proposed. Unlike the traditional Joukowski formula, the presented method considers the key features and effects of the WH conditions and consequences in the pressurizers of nuclear reactors. The results of computer modeling of the maximum amplitudes of a pressure pulse of WHs using the presented method are in satisfactory agreement with Korolyev’s experiments on the pressurizer model of nuclear reactor. The proposed method is universal for all types of water-cooled nuclear reactors (including the Akkuyu reactor plants). Variation calculations using the presented method have found that a considerable increase in total hydraulic resistance of internal elements can be an effective action to prevent WHs in the pressurizers of nuclear reactors. en
dc.language.iso en en
dc.publisher TÜBİTAK en
dc.subject water hammer en
dc.subject pressurizer en
dc.subject nuclear reactor en
dc.title Method for determination of water hammer conditions and consequences in pressurizers of nuclear reactors en
dc.type Article en
opu.kafedra Кафедра теплових електричних станцій та енергозберігаючих технологій uk
opu.citation.journal Turkish Journal of Physics en
opu.citation.volume 43 en
opu.citation.firstpage 229 en
opu.citation.lastpage 235 en
opu.citation.issue №3 en
opu.staff.id pirkovskiy@opu.ua en
opu.staff.id skalozubov@opu.ua

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