The problem of defining optimal conditions for grinding plasma
coatings may be considered as multi-objective optimization problem with a
system of bounding inequalities that contain surface roughness, temperature,
local and residual stresses as well as intrinsic defects size. This approach contributes
to applying evolutionary algorithms such as genetic algorithm to solve
the stated problem. Taking into account special characteristics of technological
process, modification of the classical genetic algorithm has been carried out in
the presented research. The combined method of selection based on the mitosis
and meiosis operators makes it possible to increase fitness of a population
ensuring its diversity during the following iterations. It is particularly important
to maintain population diversity in genetic algorithm. The reason for that is
preventing premature convergence which causes the obtained solution to be far
from optimal. Another way to ensure population diversity is applying the
developed mutation domain model that allows to alter random genes in chromosomes
with the lowest value of the fitness function. The presented algorithm
is based on both the combined method of selection and the mutation domain
model. In order to compare the results of solving the problem of optimization of
plasma coatings grinding process using modified genetic algorithm with other
evolutionary algorithms, solutions performed by the classical genetic algorithm,
ant colony optimization, particle swarm optimization and scatter search algorithm
are presented. It was found that applying modified genetic algorithm
provides high efficiency of solving process and reliability of the obtained results.