In contemporary economy innovations were one of the key factors determining the prospects for social and economic development of enterprises.
The practice of management shows that innovative adjustment in the current development of modern enterprises can not only provide high rates of economic development, but also improve the competitiveness of their export potential and will help to solve economic, environmental and social problems. Innovative activity is a major component of the process to ensure successful operation of enterprises, because current economic conditions require intense innovation, effective organizational research and development, regular innovations, reducing innovation risks and strategic management of innovation activities of each company.
Today, in order to ensure efficient and uninterrupted operation of enterprises, very important to the activation of innovation processes, as well as focusing on innovative development, they set themselves new challenges, the importance of which is associated with increased competitiveness; ensure that the value of products for the consumer; social responsibility of businesses, which includes: social responsibility before each citizen to the state, the staff and the consumer sector of the economy. All socio-economic systems should seek to form innovative development model, which will help direct the growth of scientific knowledge, and their mandatory application to improve the efficiency of the enterprise as a whole.
In Ukraine, the issue of innovation activity towards efficiency and quality aspects of production and business activities can be ensured not only the constant improvement of the production process, but also from businesses transition to innovative way of development.
In the modern business environment innovation - a necessary and objective factor of competitive development of each enterprise. Ukraine embarked on an innovative way of economic development, as evidenced by the large number of measures taken at the national level, including the adoption of the new Law of Ukraine "On scientific and technical activity" ; The concept of scientific, technological and innovative development of Ukraine, which provides for increased economic competitiveness through structural innovation model of economic growth, intensive, technical and technological renewal of production.
It should be noted that in recent years there are contradictions between the economic interests of the state and companies focused on innovative path of development whose solution requires thorough research.
On the development of innovative pour a lot of factors that contribute to or hinder innovation of innovation in the enterprise.
Among the limiting factors of innovative development of enterprises occupies an important place insufficient number and variety of funding sources, including the main source of financing innovation enterprises of Ukraine have the means enterprises themselves.
Factors that contribute to the innovative development of enterprises Ukraine is state support of innovative development, availability of skilled personnel, researchers needed to implement innovative development, the willingness of consumers and their confidence in the introduction of new and those already used overseas technology to make purchases.
The level of development of enterprises depends largely on acquisition of new technologies that provide long-term competitiveness, high economic performance of enterprises. It should be noted that one should not invest in the projects that are developed and used in other countries.
Exploring the theoretical basis of innovation, it is necessary first of all to pay attention to the term "innovation", because innovation is the main component of innovative development company.
Which ensured an effective integrated use of all its components, but in terms of knowledge economy, socio-techno-economic paradigm of innovation and the theory of "open innovation" intellectual component of innovative enterprise development is more important than material.
To improve the situation in the sphere of innovations require immediate resolution issues: improving regulatory support for innovation; financial incentives activation of innovative processes; improving and expanding innovation infrastructure; intellectual property protection in the innovation sphere; strengthening the relationship between science and industry; providing adequate information towards balancing the supply and demand for innovations like.