The article analyzes the grounds for stating whether it is necessary to consider selflove
as a moral obligation, as well as how the phenomenon of self-love allows one to
form prerequisites for moral responsibility to others. The work combines different
approaches of ethics to these issues, taking the naturalistic paradigm as the basis with
the accent on the works of E. Fromm and M.S. Peck. The author of the article cites the
point of view of the need for primordial love for oneself for the sake of subsequent love
for another. The importance of self-discipline is examined as the basis of self-love and
the significance of its role in this experience. Following Kant it was described what is
the difference between self-love, self-affection and arrogance. The analysis of this issue
aims to establish the main arguments for why a person should have a moral obligation
to love himself/herself.