У статті представлено дослідження модальних дієслівних конструкцій з
модальними дієсловами "повинність", must, have to+inf. Be to+inf., які
функціонують в трьох технічних текстових корпусах і належать до технічних
областей, не пов'язаних один з одним. Семантичні особливості аналізуються та
порівнюються з граматичними та статистичними. Спостерігаються
взаємозв'язки цих трьох характеристик у кожному компоненті, а також
взаємозалежність між кожним компонентом модальних конструкцій дієслова в
семантиці, граматиці та статистиці. Але домінуючою характеристикою є
В статье представлено исследование модальных глагольных конструкций с
модальными глаголами "обязанность", must, have to+ Inf., be to + Inf., которые
функционируют в трех технических текстовых корпусах и относятся к
техническим областям, не связанных друг с другом. Семантические особенности
анализируются и сравниваются с грамматическими и статистическими.
Наблюдаются взаимосвязи этих трех характеристик в каждом компоненте, а
также взаимозависимость между каждым компонентом модальных
конструкций глагола в семантике, грамматике и статистике. Но доминирующей
характеристикой является семантика.
The article presents the study of Modal verb constructions with the modal verbs
of “obligation” must, have to+ Inf., be to + Inf. functioning in the scientific and
technical discourse texts. The material of the research are three technical text corpora,
which belong to engineering fields scientifically and technically unrelated to each
other – “Electrical Engineering (Energy Supply and Power Management)”,
“Automotive Industry” and “Chemical Engineering” – and compiled on the basis of
scientific journals of the United States and Great Britain. This allows to obtain the
results that are supposedly of a universal nature and can be applied practically to any
field of scientific discourse. The goal is to consider: firstly, which semantic groups of
verbs (in different grammatical forms) are attached to a particular modal verb, i.e. the
following interrelationship is defined: the semantics of a modal verb – semantics and
form of a main verb (the second constituent of the modal construction); secondly, to
what extent this interdependence affects the usage frequency of the various semantic
groups of the main verbs that make up certain MVCs. The results of the research have
demonstrated that in Modal verb constructions of this type functioning in the scientifictechnical discourse texts the predicative meaning of modal verbs is determinant for the
semantic features of main verbs connecting to them (modal verbs). The main verb
semantics in its turn influences on their (main verbs) grammatical and statistical
characteristics. The modal verb must has the highest frequency of use in scientific texts.
It gives imperative which underlines the author’s stability of position and faultlessness
of the obtained and presented results. Have to + Inf. MVC is much less frequent and it
is a result of the modal component semantics of this construction. Modal verb
constructions where the modal verb is be to + Inf. are used by the authors of scientific
articles quite rarely, which can be also explained by semantic peculiarities of the verb
be to + Inf. In Modal verb constructions with the modal verbs of “obligation” must,
have to+ Inf., be to + Inf. the passive voice is more preferable than active voice because
in the scientific and technical discourse texts human activity does not manifest evidently
since the authors should take second place and be present indirectly through their
scientific achievements.