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Analysis of Reliability-Critical Hydraulic Impact Conditions at WWER-1000 NPP Active Safety Systems
Скалозубов, Владимир Иванович; Козлов, Игорь Леонидович; Чулкин, Олег Александрович; Комаров, Юрий Алексеевич; Пионтковский, Алексей Игоревич; Скалозубов, Володимир Іванович; Skalozubov, Volodymyr; Козлов, Ігор Леонидович; Kozlov, Ihor; Чулкін, Олег Олександрович; Сhulkin Оleg; Комаров, Юрій Олексійович; Komarov, Urii; Піонтковський, Олексій Ігорович; Piontkovskyi, Oleksii; Скалозубов, Володимир Іванович; Skalozubov, Volodymyr
An original method to determine the onset of conditions for reliabilitycritical hydraulic impacts for reliability analysis of active safety systems of nuclear power installations is proposed. The suggested method is based
on determining the effect of head-flow characteristic delay onto hydraulic impact preconditions during the changes of pipeline system hydrodynamic parameters under transitional modes (e.g. in pump start-up). The delay time of responses to change in the hydrodynamic system parameters embodies the determining factor of head-flow characteristic’s inertance, depending on both design and technical parameters of system components (including pumps), and the hydrodynamic parameters change rate under transitional modes.
Using the proposed method, the analysis of conditions for critical hydraulic impacts is performed for the primary high-pressure safety injection system of serial WWER-1000 nuclear power plants. The analysis results allow a conclusion that for this system the conditions leading to hydraulic impact due to the pump start are not reached.
The developed method can be applied to any thermal and nuclear power facilities’ pipeline systems equipped with pumps.