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dc.contributor.authorЖмай, Олександр-
dc.identifier.citationЖмай, О. Реалізація концепції сталого розвитку в україні: екологічний, економічний і соціальний аспекти / О. Жмай // Філософія та гуманізм. – 2019. – № 10. – С. 34–43.uk
dc.description.abstractThe modern economy existing in most countries is built on the principle of "rapid turnover": the faster we replace our consumption items, the better for manufacturers. As a result, the international community is increasingly challenging environmental issues. That is why an important step today is to develop and implement the concept of sustainable development and, as a consequence, the circular economy. Fundamentally, new business models that are characterized not only by high final results but also by low material, energy and environmental costs are used to increase public well-being in the circular economy. Using of circular business models in various industries leads to significant environmental, economic and social benefits. The article is devoted to considering the concept of a circular economy and the related process of sustainable development. The key elements (reduce, reuse, recycle), as well as the economic, social and environmental effects of sustainable development were analyzed. An example of a circular business model in the EcoNote project (notepads from one-sided waste paper), created jointly by the Enactus student team of Odessa I. I. Mechnikov National University and the Odessa printing company Offsetik, was described. These notebooks are made with the individual design and their inner sheets are one-sided waste paper.en
dc.subjectwaste management, circular economy, sustainable development, ecology, reduce,en
dc.titleРеалізація концепції сталого розвитку в україні: екологічний, економічний і соціальний аспектиen
dc.typeArticle in Index Copernicusen
opu.citation.journalФілософія та гуманізмen
Располагается в коллекциях:Філософія та гуманізм. Випуск 10

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