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Название: New method of accounting for interference contributions within a multiperipheral model
Авторы: Potiienko, O.S.
Merkotan, K.K.
Chudak, N.O.
Ptashynskyy, D.A.
Zelentsova, T.M.
Yushkevich, T.V.
Sharph, I.V.
Rusov, V.D.
Ключевые слова: interference contributions
Laplace ’ s method
maximum point
cross section
Дата публикации: 24-Апр-2020
Издательство: American Physical Society
Библиографическое описание: Potiienko, O. S., Merkotan, K. K., Chudak, N. O., Ptashynskyy, D. A., Zelentsova, T. M., Yushkevich, T. V., Sharph, I. V., Rusov, V. D. (2020). New method of accounting for interference contributions within a multiperipheral model. Physical Review D, Vol. 7, Iss. 101, p. 076021-1-076021-13.
New method of accounting for interference contributions within a multiperipheral model / O. S. Potiienko, K. K. Merkotan, N. O. Chudak, D. A. Ptashynskyy, T. M. Zelentsova, T. V. Yushkevich, I. V. Sharph, V. D. Rusov // Physical Review D. - 2020. - Vol. 7, Iss. 101. - P. 076021-1-076021-13.
Краткий осмотр (реферат): We consider an inelastic scattering of protons within the simplest real scalar model φ3 (phi-cubed). Although this model has been studied for a very long time, the problem of accounting for the interference contributions for all the possible particle multiplicities observed in experiments is not solved yet. We propose a method which is based on grouping of the interference contributions into sets in such a way that the sum of all interference contributions of each particular set can be calculated with Laplaces method. This approach allowed us to calculate all the interference contributions to the cross sections for multiplicities up to n∼50 at the energy ffiffiffi sp∼50GeV. The obtained models of the energy dependence of the total pp scattering cross section and the inclusive rapidity distribution are in qualitative agreement with the experiment. We also consider the well-known effect of the energy dependence of the shape of inclusive rapidity distribution and propose an explanation for this dependence and consider it exactly as the interference effect.
URI (Унифицированный идентификатор ресурса): http://dspace.opu.ua/jspui/handle/123456789/10661
Располагается в коллекциях:Статті каф. ТЕЯФ

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