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dc.contributor.authorBovnegra, Liubov-
dc.contributor.authorБовнегра, Любов Віталіївна-
dc.contributor.authorБовнегра, Любовь Витальевна-
dc.contributor.authorStrelbitskyi, Viktor-
dc.contributor.authorСтрельбицький, Віктор Васильович-
dc.contributor.authorСтрельбицкий, Виктор Васильевич-
dc.identifier.citationBovnegra, L. Features of Application of the Mathematical Package Smath Studio in Teaching Numerical Methods / L. Bovnegra, V. Strelbitskyi // Modern Technologies and Design Art : series of monographs Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Applied Arts : monograph 37 / edited by L. Bovnegra ; Katowice School of Technology. - Katowice, 2020. - P. 1.1 - P. 6-15. - [Текст рос.].ru
dc.description.abstractAt present, numerical methods are one of the most demanded, an important role in the teaching of which is played by the choice of software, since the complexity and type of tasks to be solved largely depends on the functionality of the selected mathematical package. Engineering studies of the dynamics of processes occurring in mechanisms, reactors, local systems for stabilizing the parameters of technological processes, pipelines, heat transfer processes and other chemical objects lead to differential equations, i.e. equations containing derivatives. The paper gives examples of the application of the program for solving second-order differential equations by numerical methods using built-in functions implemented in Smath Studio All this contributes to the successful application of the mathematical package SMath Studio in teaching the discipline "Numerical Methods".en
dc.publisherPublishing House of Katowice School of Technologyen
dc.titleFeatures of Application of the Mathematical Package Smath Studio in Teaching Numerical Methodsen
opu.kafedraКафедра Інформаційних технологій проектування в машинобудуванніuk
opu.citation.journalModern technologies and design arten
Располагается в коллекциях:Статті каф. ІТПМ

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