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Название: Development of ways to minimization of human factor signs in occupational health and safety
Другие названия: Розробка шляхів мінімізації проявів «людського фактора» в сфері охорони праці
Авторы: Bochkovskyі, Andrii
Sapozhnikova, Natalia
Бочковский, Андрей Петрович
Бочковський, Андрій Петрович
Сапожникова, Наталья Юрьевна
Сапожнікова, Наталія Юріївна
Ключевые слова: occupational health and safety
“human factor”
social insurance
occupational health and safety training
occupational dangers
Дата публикации: Июн-2020
Издательство: Донецький гірничий інститут
Библиографическое описание: Bochkovskyi A. P., Sapozhnikova N. Yu. 2020. Development of ways to minimization of human factor signs in occupational health and safety. Вісті Донец. гірн. ін-ту. №1 (46). 148–157. Bochkovskyi, A. Development of ways to minimization of human factor signs in occupational health and safety/ A. Bochkovskyi, N. Sapozhnikova // Вісті Донец. гірн. ін-ту. – 2020. – №1 (46). – С. 148–157.
Краткий осмотр (реферат): Purpose. Substantiation and development of ways to minimization of the "human factor" signs in occupational health and safety that relate to the low knowledge level of employees and employers in the field of occupational health and safety and motivation to comply with the requirements of normative legal acts in occupational health and safety. Methods. Analysis of normative legal acts and scientific and technical literature, structural analysis of the causes of occupational accidents, probabilistic and statistical methods. Results. Based on the analysis of statistical data concerning the causes of accidents in Ukraine (for 2007 - 2019 years), as well as normative legal acts concerning changes of training of specialists in occupational health and safety in higher educational institutions of Ukraine, it is established that for the period from 2010 to 2014 years (period of validity of the Order "On the organization and improvement of training in Occupational health and safety, Safety of vital activity and Civil Defence in higher educational institutions of Ukraine") the number of accidents that occurred for organizational reasons (which characterizes "human factor" signs) decreased by 17%. During the period of termination of the above order (from 2014), the corresponding indicator increased by 3% (while reducing the total number of workplaces by 10%). It is established that the low motivation for increasing the level of occupational health and safety at the enterprises is attributable primarily to the inefficiency of the existing social insurance system in Ukraine, which is not based on the principles of determining the insurance premium rate relative to the existing level of risk of occupational dangers origin for workplaces. Accordingly, the main ways to minimization of the "human factor" signs in occupational health and safety are: -obligatory training of future specialists of all, without exception, specialties in the cycle of disciplines inOccupational health and safety and Civil Defence within the set amount of hours and forms of control of the knowledge learning level; -transition of the training system in occupational health and safety to the concept of development of qualitative andquantitative characteristics of training courses and materials on the basis of objective psychophysiological possibilities of learning of a certain amount of information by a person; -development and implementation of the legal norm regarding the obligatory availability of basic higher educationor scientific degree of teachers of the departments of occupational health and safety (scientific and pedagogical specialists) of the relevant specialty; -transition of the social insurance system of Ukraine to the risk-oriented concept of differentiated approach toinsurance premiums (based on the proposed mathematical model). Scientific novelty. Ways to minimization of "human factor" signs in the field of occupational health and safety were substantiated and developed. A mathematical model to establish the relationship between the insurance premium rate of an enterprise to the Social Insurance Fund and the level of risk of occupational dangers origin is proposed. Practical importance. Based on the research results, projects of changes to normative legal acts relating to the training system of occupational health and safety and the social insurance system will be proposed.
URI (Унифицированный идентификатор ресурса): http://dspace.opu.ua/jspui/handle/123456789/11113
Располагается в коллекциях:Статті каф. УСБЖД
Матеріали конференцій, семінарів каф. УСБЖД

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