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dc.contributor.authorDurmanov, Akmal-
dc.contributor.authorBartosova, Viera-
dc.contributor.authorDrobyazko, Svetlana-
dc.contributor.authorMelnyk, Oksana-
dc.contributor.authorFillipov, Volodymyr-
dc.contributor.authorФіліппов, Володимир Юрійович-
dc.contributor.authorФилиппов, Владимир Юрьевич-
dc.identifier.citationDurmanov, A., Bartosova, V., Drobyazko, S., Melnyk, O., Fillipov, V. (2019). Mechanism to ensure sustainable development of enterprises in the information space. Entrepreneurship and Sustainability Issues, Vol. 7, N 2, p. 1377-1386.en
dc.identifier.citationMechanism to ensure sustainable development of enterprises in the information space / A. Durmanov, V. Bartosova, S. Drobyazko, O. Melnyk, V. Fillipov // Entrepreneurship and Sustainability Issues. - 2019. - Vol. 7, N 2. - P. 1377-1386.en
dc.description.abstractThere was developed the conceptual framework of information support of the management mechanism of sustainable development of enterprises, in order realize the continuous exchange of information between the controlling and controlled systems of the mechanism, provide the comparative analysis of variants of its improvement, as well as support the selection of effective management decision-making. The solution of the burning problem of ensuring sustainable development of enterprises, the scientific-theoretical justification and practical approaches to formation of the management mechanism of sustainable development, create the significant basis for keeping and expansion of the business activities of enterprises in terms of their transformational changes. Management of the sustainable development is reasonable to realize by the use of the appropriate mechanism as the bunch of successive and coordinated management methods and tools, applied by the management entities for the targeted development of enterprises. In accordance with the consistent characteristics of the object, criteria, principles in the work, the study estimated formation of the management mechanism of sustainable development of the enterprise. In contrast with the current mechanisms, the reporting one gives the enterprise the possibility of more content-related definition and justification of the directions of development; provides the high efficiency, flexibility and adaptability of the management system of the enterprise; guarantees the timeliness of identification of significant changes and development of the corresponding procedures; contributes to the continual improvement of the management processes of sustainable development of the enterprise, taking into account the variability of the market environmenten
dc.publisherEntrepreneurship and Sustainability Centeren
dc.subjectSustainable development, management mechanism, enterprise information system, information flows, information supporten
dc.titleMechanism to ensure sustainable development of enterprises in the information spaceen
dc.title.alternativeМеханізм забезпечення сталого розвитку підприємств в інформаційному просторіen
dc.title.alternativeМеханизм обеспечения устойчивого развития предприятий в информационном пространствеen
dc.typeArticle in Scopusen
dc.typeArticle in Web of Scienceen
opu.kafedraКафедра менеджменту ім. І.П. Продіусаuk
opu.citation.journalEntrepreneurship and Sustainabilityen
opu.citation.volumeNo. 2en
opu.citation.issueVol. 7en
Располагается в коллекциях:Статті каф. менеджменту

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