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dc.contributor.authorLishchenko, Natalia
dc.contributor.authorЛіщенко, Наталя Володимирівна
dc.contributor.authorPitel, Jan
dc.contributor.authorПітель, Ян
dc.contributor.authorLarshin, Vasily
dc.contributor.authorЛаршин, Василь Петрович
dc.identifier.citationLishchenko, N.; Pitel’, J.; Larshin, V. Online Monitoring of Surface Quality for Diagnostic Features in 3D Printing. Machines 2022, 10, 541. https://doi.org/ 10.3390/machines10070541en
dc.identifier.urihttps://doi.org/ 10.3390/machines10070541
dc.description.abstractInvestigation into non-destructive testing and evaluation of 3D printing quality is relevant due to the lack of reliable methods for non-destructive testing of 3D printing defects, including testing of the surface quality of 3D printed parts. The article shows how it is possible to increase the efficiency of online monitoring of the quality of the 3D printing technological process through the use of an optical contactless high-performance measuring instrument. A comparative study of contact (R130 roughness tester) and non-contact (LJ-8020 laser profiler) methods for determining the height of irregularities on the surface of a steel reference specimen was performed. It was found that, in the range of operation of the contact method (Ra 0.03–6.3 m and Rz 0.2–18.5 m), the errors of the contactless method in determining the standard surface roughness indicators Ra and Rz were 23.7% and 1.6%, respectively. Similar comparative studies of contact and non-contact methods were performed with three defect-free samples made of plastic polylactic acid (PLA), with surface irregularities within the specified range of operation of the contact method. The corresponding errors increased and amounted to 65.96% and 76.32%. Finally, investigations were carried out using only the non-contact method for samples with different types of 3D printing defects. It was found that the following power spectral density (PSD) estimates can be used as diagnostic features for determining 3D printing defects: Variance and Median. These generalized estimates are the most sensitive to 3D printing defects and can be used as diagnostic features in online monitoring of object surface quality in 3D printing.en
dc.subjectsignal processingen
dc.subjectfrequency analysisen
dc.subjectmonitoring systemen
dc.subjectvision-based methoden
dc.subjectlaser profileren
dc.subjectnon-contact methoden
dc.subjectsurface roughnessen
dc.subjectquality assessmenten
dc.titleOnline Monitoring of Surface Quality for Diagnostic Features in 3D Printingen
dc.typeArticle in Scopusen
opu.kafedraКафедра цифрових технологій в інжинірингу
Располагается в коллекциях:Статті каф. ЦТІ

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