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dc.contributor.authorBocharova, Maiia-
dc.contributor.authorБочарова, Майя Юріївна-
dc.contributor.authorБочарова, Майя Юрьевна-
dc.contributor.authorMalakhov, Eugene-
dc.contributor.authorМалахов, Євген Валерійович-
dc.contributor.authorМалахов, Евгений Валерьевич-
dc.contributor.authorMezhuyev, Vitaliy-
dc.contributor.authorМежуєв, Віталій Іванович-
dc.contributor.authorМежуев, Виталий Иванович-
dc.identifier.citationBocharova, M., Malakhov, E., Mezhuyev, V. (2023). VacancySBERT: the approach for representation of titles and skills for semantic similarity search in the recruitment domain. Аpplied Aspects of Information Technology, Vol. 6, N 1, р. 52–59.en
dc.identifier.citationBocharova, M. VacancySBERT: the approach for representation of titles and skills for semantic similarity search in the recruitment domain / M. Bocharova, E. Malakhov, V. Mezhuyev // Аpplied Aspects of Information Technology = Прикладні аспекти інформ. технологій. – Оdesa, 2023. – Vol. 6, N 1. – P. 52–59.en
dc.description.abstractThe paper focuses on deep learning semantic search algorithms applied in the HR domain. The aim of the article is developinga novel approach to training a Siamese network to link the skills mentioned in the job ad with the title.It has been shown that the title normalization process can be based either on classification or similarity comparison approaches. While classification algorithms strive to classify a sample into predefined set of categories, similarity search algorithms take a more flexible approach, since they are designed to find samples that are similar to a given query sample, without requiring pre-defined classes and labels. In this article semantic similarity search to find candidates for title normalization has been used. A pre-trained language model has been adapted while teaching it to match titles and skills based on co-occurrence information. For the purpose of this research fifty billion title-descriptions pairs had been collected for training the model and thirty three thousand title-description-normalized title triplets, where normalized job title was picked up manually by job ad creator fortesting purposes. As baselines FastText, BERT, SentenceBert and JobBert have been used. As a metric of the accuracy of the designed algorithm is Recall in top one, five and ten model’s suggestions. It has been shown that the novel training objective lets it achieve significant improvement in comparison to other generic and specific text encoders. Two settings with treating titles as standalone strings, and with included skills as additional features during inference have been used and the results have beencompared in this article. Improvements by 10% and 21.5% have been achieved using VacancySBERT and VacancySBERT (with skills) respectively. The benchmark has been developed as open-source to foster further research in the area.en
dc.publisherNauka i Tekhnikaen
dc.subjectNatural language processingen
dc.subjectdocument representationen
dc.subjectsemantic similarity searchen
dc.subjectentence embeddingsen
dc.subjectdeep neural networksen
dc.subjectdata miningen
dc.titleVacancySBERT: the approach for representation of titles and skills for semantic similarity search in the recruitment domainen
dc.title.alternativeVacancySBERT: підхід до представлення назв посад та навичок для семантичного пошуку в домені підбору персоналуuk
opu.citation.journalApplied Aspects of Information Technologyen
Располагается в коллекциях:2023, Vol. 6, № 1

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