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dc.contributor.authorPetrushin, V.-
dc.contributor.authorVodichev, V.-
dc.contributor.authorYenoktaiev, R.-
dc.identifier.citationPetrushin, V., Vodichev, V., Yenoktaiev, R. (2016). Мultidimensional Simulation of Speed Controlled Induction Electric Drives with Matching Reducers and Transformers. International Journal on Electrical Engineering and Informatics, Vol. 8, N 2, р. 268-286.en
dc.identifier.citationPetrushin, V. Мultidimensional Simulation of Speed Controlled Induction Electric Drives with Matching Reducers and Transformers / V. Petrushin, V. Vodichev, R. Yenoktaiev // International Journal on Electrical Engineering and Informatics. - 2016. - Vol. 8, N 2. - P. 268-286.en
dc.identifier.uriDOI: 10.15676/ijeei.2016.8.2.3-
dc.description.abstractOperation of different induction motors as a part of controlled - speed electric drives, which carry out the same engineering problem, taking into account turning on of such devices as the transformer and the reducer is examined. A variability of parameters of equivalent circuits of the motors, linked with a modification of magnitudes and frequencies of voltage feeding the motors, and also with saturation of magnetic circuits and displacement of currents in windings of rotors is considered. Comparison of motors characteristics in static and dynamic regimes is carried out. Energy, weight, size and cost parameters are defined. The possibility of sampling of the best alternative of the drive, both on the above-stated indexes, and at cost of losses of active energy is justified. Modelling of a thermal state of motors in static and dynamic regimes is carried out. The analysis of vibroacoustic performance of the motors is made at operation in the certain circuit design of the electric drive on the given control range: vibrational velocity and vibrational acceleration of a magnetic origin, vibrational velocity of a mechanical origin (the radial and axial), ventilating and magnetic noise. Mechanical indexes (rigidity of the shaft, strength of the shaft and dynamic weightlifting capacity of the bearing), characterizing a mechanical state of an induction motor are observed and compared.en
dc.subjectthe reduceren
dc.subjectthe transformeren
dc.subjectthe induction electric driveen
dc.subjectan speed-controlled induction motoren
dc.titleМultidimensional Simulation of Speed Controlled Induction Electric Drives with Matching Reducers and Transformersen
opu.kafedraКафедра електричних машинuk
opu.kafedraКафедра електромеханічних систем з комп'ютерним управліннямuk
opu.citation.journalInternational Journal on Electrical Engineering and Informaticsen
opu.citation.volumeVolume 8,en
opu.citation.issueNumber 2en
Располагается в коллекциях:Статті каф. ЕМІ
Статті каф. ЕМ

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