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dc.contributor.authorIvanov, Viktor-
dc.contributor.authorChumachenko, I. A.-
dc.contributor.authorИванов, Виктор Владимирович
dc.contributor.authorІванов, Віктор Володимирович
dc.identifier.citationIvanov, V. V. Contact Ratio in Involute-Pin Meshing / V. V. Ivanov, I. A. Chumachenko // Fifth International Conference Quality Strategy in Manufacturing and Education. - Varna, 2009.en
dc.identifier.citationIvanov, V. V., Chumachenko, I. A. (2009). Contact Ratio in Involute-Pin Meshing. Fifth International Conference Quality Strategy in Manufacturing and Education, Varna, Bulgaria.en
dc.description.abstractTwo versions of chainless (rack) mechanism of a shearer loader’s haulage system are discussed with usage of pin meshing. Тhe geometry of the meshing is examined and the contact ratio is set. Conclusions are made and recommendations are given to producers of shearer loaderen
dc.subjectshearer loader, haulage system, pin meshing, contact ratioen
dc.titleContact Ratio in Involute-Pin Meshingen
dc.typeConference proceedingsen
opu.kafedraКафедра машинознавства та деталей машинuk
opu.citation.conferenceFifth International Conference Quality Strategy in Manufacturing and Education. Varna, Bulgariaen
Располагается в коллекциях:Матеріали конференцій, семінарів каф. МДМ

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