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dc.contributor.authorSokolov, A.V.-
dc.identifier.citationSokolov, A. V. Interrelation Between the Class of Bent-Sequences and the Class of Perfect Binary Arrays / A. V. Sokolov // Proceedings of the Second International Workshop on Computer Modeling and Intelligent Systems, 2019. – P. 339-349.en
dc.description.abstractThe paper is devoted to the research of the interrelation between classes of such perfect algebraic constructions as perfect binary arrays and bentsequences. The algebraic normal form of bent-sequences of length n = 16 that generate perfect binary arrays of order N = 4, are presented. The exact number of perfect binary arrays in the full set of bent-sequences of length n = 64 is found. The lower bound of cardinality of the full class of perfect binary arrays of order N = 8 is improved.en
dc.subjectperfect binary array, 2DPACF, bent-sequence, Walsh-Hadamard transformen
dc.titleInterrelation Between the Class of Bent-Sequences and the Class of Perfect Binary Arraysen
dc.typeConference proceedingsen
opu.kafedraКафедра радіотехнічних системUK
opu.citation.conferenceProceedings of the Second International Workshop on Computer Modeling and Intelligent Systemsen
Располагается в коллекциях:Матеріали конференцій, семінарів каф. РТС

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