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dc.contributor.authorЗабарна, Елеонора-
dc.contributor.authorZabarna, Eleonora-
dc.contributor.authorЗабарная, Элеонора Николаевна-
dc.identifier.citationЗабарна, Е. Регіональні ринки України в сучасних умовах господарювання / Е. Забарна // Evropsky casopis ekonomiky a managementu = European Journal of Economics and Management. – Praha, 2019. – Vol. 5, Iss. 1. – С. 201–205.uk
dc.description.abstractIn that work has been shown that the decentralization of power is an effective instrument of economic development through the efforts of the independence of local self-government and increase its activity, strengthening of democracy on the ground. The development of the territories and the regional markets is presented as a systemic process of qualitative change, which involves the ability to create an effective management system and innovative approach to the development of the modern region. It is proved that the region as a managed and ruling system is directly related to the administrative-territorial division of Ukraine. The structure and properties of regional markets have been substantially investigated and the expediency of a creative approach to the formation of modern development territories in Ukraine has been demonstrated.en
dc.publisherЧехія Praha 2019 – Publisher: BEROSTAV DRUŽSTVOen
dc.subjectregional marketsen
dc.subjectregions' developmenten
dc.titleРегіональні ринки України в сучасних умовах господарюванняen
dc.title.alternativeRegional markets of Ukraine in modern facilities of entrepreneurshipen
opu.kafedraКафедра економічних систем та управління інноваційним розвиткомuk
opu.citation.journalEvropský časopis ekonomiky a managementu = European Journal of Economics and Management = Європейський журнал економіки та менеджменту.en
opu.citation.volumeVolume 5en
opu.citation.issueIssue 1en
Располагается в коллекциях:Статті каф.ЕСіУІР

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