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dc.contributor.authorTonkonogyi, Vladimir-
dc.contributor.authorYakimov, Alexey-
dc.contributor.authorBovnegra, Liubov-
dc.identifier.citationTonkonogyi, V., Yakimov, A., Bovnegra, L. (2019). Increase of Performance of Grinding by Plate Circles. New Technologies, Development and Application, 42, 121–127.en
dc.identifier.citationTonkonogyi, V. Increase of Performance of Grinding by Plate Circles / V. Tonkonogyi, A. Yakimov, L. Bovnegra // New Technologies, Development and Application. – 2019. – Vol. 42. – P. 121–127.en
dc.description.abstractA method is proposed for increasing the grinding efficiency of gear wheels by two disk wheels. The possibility of increasing grinding capacity on machines working in two circles by the method of bending without reducing the accuracy of processing has been revealed. The conditions for increasing the processing capacity are determined when placing the disc wheels in one and two adjacent cavities of the treated wheel.en
dc.publisherSpringer, Chamen
dc.subjectDisc wheelsen
dc.subjectCross travelen
dc.subjectAngle of adjustmenten
dc.subjectMachining accuracyen
dc.titleIncrease of Performance of Grinding by Plate Circlesen
dc.typeArticle in Scopusen
opu.kafedraКафедра Інформаційних технологій проектування в машинобудуванніuk
opu.citation.journalLecture Notes in Networks and Systemsen
Располагается в коллекциях:Статті каф. ІТПМ

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