DSpace Repository
DSpace is a digital service that collects, preserves, and distributes digital material. Repositories are important tools for preserving an organization's legacy; they facilitate digital preservation and scholarly communication.
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Kryshtanovych, Myroslav; Kapitanets, Svitlana; Filina, Svitlana; Oleksiuk, Nataliya; Prodius, Oksana
The modern business environment becomes increasingly dynamic, and the concept of
strategic personnel management attracts attention in the corporate world and in scientific
community. This study is aimed at analyzing the ...
Bartosova, Viera; Pshenichnikov, Vladislav; Ievtushenko, Ganna; Petrova, Laura; Ovchar, Petro
The globalization conditions for the emergence and development of electronic money in a
defined subject plane and related to these tendencies and challenges for analysis and audit are
revealed. The analysis of globalization ...
Tkachenko, Serhii; Shatskaya, Zorina; Dashchenko, Natalia; Mu, Jianming; Malakhovskyi, Yurii
The existing need for effective control over electronic money transactions led to the
need to formulate organizational and methodological provisions for the internal control of
transactions with electronic money, based ...
Sokolenko, Liudmyla; Ostapenko, Tetiana; Kubetska, Olga; Portna, Oksana; Tran, Thuy
The use of cryptocurrencies in international practice suggests that countries are different in its implementation in circulation. This is explained, first of all, by the novelty of this instrument and the lack of a single ...
Paunov, Marin; Robert Bacho, Robert; Makarovych, Viktoriia; Tsenkler, Nataliia; Prodius, Oksana
The difference in the cost of property between its accounting and market valuation due to
the presence of intangible assets, in particular human capital, indicates that accounting does not
provide users with accurate ...
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