Просмотр 2020, Vol. 3, № 1 по названию

Просмотр 2020, Vol. 3, № 1 по названию

Отсортировать по: Порядку: Результаты:

  • Bukaros, Andrii; Букарос, Андрій; Букарос, Андрей; Bukaros, Valeriia; Букарос, Валерія; Букарос, Валерия; Onishchenko, Oleg; Онищенко, Олег; Sergeiev, Volodymyr; Сергеєв, Володимир; Сергеев, Владимир (Odessa National Polytechnic University, 2020-01-07)
    The article considers the construction of an algorithm for estimation the energy efficiency of a ship refrigeration unit using the minimum required number of sensors. It is established that the existing methods for ...
  • Filatova, Anna; Філатова, Ганна; Филатова, Анна; Povoroznyuk, Anatoliy; Поворознюк, Анатолій; Поворознюк, Анатолий; Mohamad Fahs; Мохамад Факс (Odessa National Polytechnic University, 2020-01-05)
    This work is devoted to the development of a structural model of the patient’s electrocardiological study process based on graph theory, probability theory and the method of generating functions. The developed structural ...
  • Novikova, Nataliia; Новікова, Наталія; Новикова, Наталия (Odessa National Polytechnic University, 2020-01-30)
    The article explores the problem of automating the description of Use Cases at the stage of forming requirements in the design of software products. Methods for correcting the model of conceptual classes in connection ...
  • Fomin, Oleksandr; Фомін, Олександр Олексійович; Фомин, Александр Алексеевич; Pavlenko, Vitaliy; Павленко, Віталій Данилович; Павленко, Виталий Данилович; Ruban, Oleksandr; Рубан, Олександр Дмитрович; Рубан, Александр Дмитриевич; Fedorova, Hanna; Федорова, Ганна; Фёдорова, Анна (Odessa National Polytechnic University, 2020-01-28)
    The task of constructing diagnostic models for nonlinear dynamics objects solved in this work. The reasons for increasing the dimension of the modern diagnostics objects description and related problems of using existing ...
  • Komleva, Nataliia; Комлева, Наталія Олегівна; Комлевая, Наталия Олеговна; Liubchenko, Vira; Любченко, Віра Вікторівна; Любченко, Вера Викторовна; Zinovatna, Svіtlana; Зіноватна, Світлана Леонідівна; Зиноватная, Светлана Леонидовна (Odessa National Polytechnic University, 2020-01-11)
    The paper discusses the methodological foundations of informational diagnostics on the base of cluster analysisfor theobjectsrepresented by quantitative estimates. The literature review showed that the application ...
  • Kolesnikova, Kateryna; Колеснікова, Катерина; Колесникова, Екатерина; Lukianov, Dmytro; Лук’янов, Дмитро; Лукьянов, Дмитрий; Оlekh, Tetiana; Олех, Тетяна Мефодіївна; Олех, Татьяна Мефодиевна (Odessa National Polytechnic University, 2020-02-01)
    The field of information technology is extremely attractive in terms of job search. What do you need to be a specialist in this field? The information technology industry was the first to accept the fact that the ability ...
  • Beskorovainyi, Vladimir; Безкоровайний, Володимир; Бескоровайный, Владимир; Petryshyn, Lubomyr; Петришин, Любомир; Shevchenko, Olha; Шевченко, Ольга (Odessa National Polytechnic University, 2020-01-05)
    The article deals with the theoretical aspects of effective allocation of subsets of the valid options sets in technology making design decisions. As a result of analysis of the current state of the problem revealed that ...